Agenda item

Request for Scrutiny

To consider further information to enable the Board to decide how to respond to a request for scrutiny relating to housing growth


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report which presented further information to enable the Scrutiny Board to decide how to respond to a request for scrutiny in relation to housing growth.


The following information was appended to the report:


-  A copy of Mr Hall’s request for scrutiny

-  Recommendation tracking response – Affordable Housing by Private Developers.


The following were in attendance for this item:


-  Peter Boden, Edge Analytics

-  George Hall, Scholes resident

-  Jennifer Kirby, Aireborough Neighbourhood Forum (ANF)

-  Clive Woods, Wharfedale & Airedale Review Development (WARD)

-  Councillor Peter Gruen, Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Personnel)

-  Steve Speak, Deputy Chief Planning Officer, City Development.


The Chair provided background information to the request for scrutiny and invited Peter Boden to present his views on the latest population figures for Leeds and their implications in terms of projections for housing growth.


The key points were:


·  There were 3 key elements to the analysis: births and deaths; internal migration; and international migration.

·  Demographic analysis of Leeds had been extremely challenging and statistics had been subject to significant revision.  International migration was the most difficult element to assess accurately.

·  There was no population register apart from the census every 10 years.  Some measures to undertake estimates in the intervening years but challenges associated with this.

·  2008 based population estimated 1m people living in Leeds by 2033.  Latest projection estimated 861,000.

·  Development of Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to inform trends and produce growth scenarios. 

·  Acknowledgement of other considerations aside from demographics which included, economic growth, previous under delivery and affordability.

·  Further examination currently being undertaken of pupil numbers linked to population growth.

·  Acknowledgement of new growth scenarios.  Statistics constantly changing so important to keep monitoring.

·  The impact of higher birth rates and increased life expectancy.


Questions and comments were invited and the main areas of discussion were:


·  Job growth and the impact of people commuting from outside Leeds.

·  Internal and international migration.  Robust statistics for internal migration. International migration was more difficult to estimate.

·  Consideration of the mix of housing needed in Leeds and how LCC developed policy to achieve this. Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) producing new set of housing assumptions in early 2015.

·  The importance of retaining the student population in Leeds to maintain a skilled workforce and engagement with students about this.

·  Suggestion that the Scrutiny Board considers the outcome of work being undertaken by Peter Boden on behalf of Children’s Services, and also new information from DCLG which was currently expected in December/ January.

·  Suggestion that the Sustainable Economy and Culture Scrutiny Board had a role to play in this work.

·  Further consideration of George Hall’s proposition that the recommendations of the Board’s previous inquiry had not been adequately responded to or monitored.




(a)  That in response to the request for scrutiny, the Board agrees to carry out further work covering the following issues:


·  Consideration of George Hall’s proposition that the recommendations of the Board’s previous inquiry were not adequately responded to or monitored.

·  Consideration of new information on population figures and their implications for housing growth (specifically the work that Peter Boden was currently undertaking on behalf of Children’s Services, and also new information from DCLG which was currently expected in December/January)

·  Consideration of the mix of housing needed in Leeds

·  The interplay of jobs and housing growth

·  Retaining the student population (to include engagement with students).


(b)  That the Sustainable Economy and Culture Scrutiny Board be included as appropriate in the proposed work.


(Councillor M Iqbal left the meeting at 3.00pm during the consideration of this item.)


Supporting documents: