Agenda item

Work Programme

To consider a timetable for the Board’s inquiry into Annual Tenancy Visits


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report which invited Members to consider a timetable for the Board’s inquiry into ATVs.


The following timetable was proposed:


1.  That the Board be asked to review the information contained in the evidence pack for the Board’s inquiry into ATVs prior to the January meeting and submit any questions they had to the Chair or Peter Marrington before 10 January 2015.

2.  That at the January Board meeting a final review be undertaken of the information provided and any final outstanding questions be addressed.

3.  For the February meeting, each Board Member be invited to submit at least three recommendations to put before the Board for consideration.  The Board at this meeting will then collectively agree its final recommendations.

4.  The final draft report to be agreed at the March meeting.


The following key points were noted:


·  That Councillor Peter Gruen, Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Personnel) had been invited to attend the February meeting.  He will be invited to the first part of the meeting and will then leave when Board Members discuss their recommendations.  Members may also wish to consider potential future areas for Scrutiny and seek Councillor Gruen’s views on these.

·  Councillor John Procter, Chair of Scrutiny Board (Housing and Regeneration) had accepted an invitation to attend the Board meeting in March to discuss the work programme.


RESOLVED – That the timetable for the Board’s inquiry into ATV be approved.


Supporting documents: