Agenda item

PREAPP/14/00795 - Pre-application presentation - Alwoodley Medical Centre - Land off King Lane Moortown LS17

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out pre-application proposals for a health centre and to receive a presentation on behalf of the developer


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




  The Chair agreed to consider the pre-application presentation at this stage

  At this point, Councillor Cohen chose to withdraw from the Panel and took a seat in the public gallery

  Plans, photographs, drawings and graphics were displayed at the meeting.   A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out pre-application proposals for a new medical centre on an area of undeveloped Green Space and Urban Green Corridor at King Lane Alwoodley.  The Panel also received a presentation from the applicant’s architects and considered information provided by two of the GPs involved in the proposals

  The main details provided related to:

·  the need for the development; that the proposals would see the merging of two surgeries in one, purpose-built surgery which would provide sufficient space for all the GPs in the practice and could enable more patients to be taken on at the practice

·  that a pharmacy would be included on site

·  the work undertaken in searching for a suitable site; that the original location had proved problematic to develop in view of the constraints of major electricity cables and a water main which could not be moved and that the revised siting, further north was now proposed

·  the sustainable credentials of the proposals, with the BREEAM excellent standard being pursued

·  that the new medical centre would form a community hub alongside the nearby church and care home and would provide better highways access

·  the level of car parking proposed, this being 59 spaces, with four being disabled parking spaces

·  that the former bus terminus would be treated and then restored to green space by way of compensation for the impact of the new building

·  that the cycle and pedestrian routes would be retained, with connectivity being enhanced

·  that additional tree planting would be provided

·  that the proposed materials would be sensitive to the locality and would weather well

Members then heard representations from Councillor Buckley, a local

Ward Member who stressed the need for this facility in the area and was supportive of the proposed restoration of the area of green space

The Panel considered the proposals and commented on the following


·  the provision of a pharmacy on the site and the rules around the proximity of these in relation to other pharmacies.  Members were informed this would be a relocation of an existing pharmacy and that this element was required as part of the scheme for funding purposes

·  the design of the proposed medical centre with concerns about the square shape of the building, and concerns at its ‘boxiness’; the flat roof design and that this was not in keeping with surrounding buildings and that as shown, the building did not sit comfortably in its surroundings

·  the need to future proof the design of the building

·  the level of car parking being proposed, particularly the limited number of disabled parking spaces.  Members were informed that further consideration of this would be given and that the appropriate ratio of disabled parking spaces would be provided

·  whether the car parking for the surgery would be managed to prevent people using the spaces rather than the nearby Park and Ride

·  access and highways issues; the need to consider provision of a right turn lane on King Lane and vehicular access from Saxon Mount

·  the possibility of the two houses which currently formed the existing surgeries being returned to housing use

·  the need for further details of the green space mitigation and compensatory measures and for Officers dealing with the site allocations process to be made aware of these proposals

In response to the specific questions set out in the submitted report,

Members provided the following comments:

·  that in this particular case and having regard to the needs of the community, Members supported the principle of the development in this Green Space and Urban Green Corridor location but that it should not form a precedent for future development

·  in relation to the proposed mitigation and compensatory measures for the loss of Green Space and Urban Green Corridor, that further information was required on the level of greenspace provision in the area and whether the proposals would lead to a shortfall of greenspace and if so, how this could be compensated for

·  to note the concerns raised about the design proposals and the need to ensure that possible noise nuisance from plant and equipment, affecting amenity, is mitigated against.  Concerns were expressed about the extent of amendments discussed by Panel and that these should not be so great as to negatively impact on the budget for the proposals

·  on access and highways, that further investigations should take place in respect of the provision of a right turn lane on King Lane; the possibility of providing vehicular access from Saxon Mount and the level of parking being proposed, particularly the number of disabled parking spaces

RESOLVED  - To note the report, the presentation and the comments

now made


  Councillor Cohen re-joined the meeting at this point



Supporting documents: