Agenda item

Application 14/04340/OT - Outline application for residential development including means of access - Field at Ridge Meadows, Northgate Lane/Tibgarth Linton Wetherby LS22

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application for residential development including means of access


(report attached)




  Plans and photographs were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which related to an outline application for residential development on a Protected Area of Search (PAS) site in Linton

  Members were informed that the masterplan which accompanied the application indicated ten large houses in large plots.  It was noted that Linton was a relatively unsustainable village with few facilities and limited linkages to the nearest centre - Wetherby

  The proposals would see the loss of some trees and vegetation and Officers had concerns about the heavily engineered access into the site due to the topography of the land

  Having considered the application, Officers were of the view that it should be refused, with the main issues being outlined to Panel, as set out in the suggested reasons for refusal within the submitted report

  The receipt of an additional letter of representation was reported

  Members discussed the application, with the main issues raised relating to:

·  the topography of the site

·  the need to consider protecting the trees on and around the site through TPOs

·  that the application was not policy compliant and was premature

RESOLVED – That the Chief Planning Officer be asked to pursue TPO

applications on the trees on and around the site and that the application be refused for the following reasons:

1  The Local Planning Authority considers that the release of the site for housing development would be premature, being contrary to saved policy N34 of the UDP and contrary to paragraph 85, bullet point 4 of the NPPF.  The suitability of the site for housing purposes as part of the future expansion of Linton needs to be comprehensively reviewed as part of the preparation of the ongoing Site Allocations Plan and Neighbourhood Plan.  The location and scale of the site in relation to the village of Linton means that the proposal does not fulfil the criteria set out in the interim housing delivery policy approved by Leeds City Council’s Executive Board on 13th March 2013, to justify early release ahead of the comprehensive assessment of safeguarded land being undertaken in the Site Allocations Plan.  It is anticipated that the Site Allocations Plan work will identify which sites will be brought forward for development in the life of the Plan together with the infrastructure which will be needed to support sustainable growth, including additional schools provision and where that would best be located.  It is considered that releasing this site in advance of that work would not be justified and would prejudice the comprehensive planning of future growth and infrastructure of the village in a plan-led way


2  The proposal is contrary to the Core Strategy which seeks to concentrate the majority of new development within and adjacent to the main urban area and major settlements.  The Site Allocations Plan is the right vehicle to consider the scale and location of new development and supporting infrastructure which should take place in Linton which is consistent with the size, function and sustainability credentials of a village.  Furthermore, the Core Strategy states that the ‘priority for identifying land for development will be previously developed land, other infill and key locations identified as sustainable extensions’ which have not yet been established through the Site Allocations Plan and the Core Strategy recognises the key role of new and existing infrastructure in delivering future development which has not yet been established through the Site Allocations Plan, e.g. educational and health infrastructure, roads and public transport improvements.  As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy SP1 of the Core Strategy.  In advance of the Site Allocations Plan, the proposal represents such an expansion of the village that it is likely to adversely impact on the sustainability of Linton, contrary to Policy SP1 of the Core Strategy and guidance on the core planning principles underpinning the planning system as set out in the NPPF


3  The development of this site for residential purposes has poor sustainability credentials, represents an inefficient use of land and does not meet the minimum accessibility standards set out in the Core Strategy in terms of the frequency of bus services to give access to employment, secondary education and town/city centres.  As such it is contrary to Policy H3 of the Core Strategy.  Also, in the absence of any planned or proposed improvements it is considered that the proposal is contrary to Policy T2 of the Core Strategy and to the sustainable transport guidance contained in the NPPF and the 12 core planning principles which require that growth be actively managed to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling and focus significant development in locations which are or can be made sensitive


4  The Local Planning Authority considers that the development of this site for up to 10 dwellings in the manner proposed as set out within the indicative site layout, would be harmful to and out of character with the adjacent spatial pattern of existing residential development within this part of Linton, that would result in overly dispersed form of development that fails to take the opportunity to improve the character and quality of the area and the way it functions.  The application also fails to provide an appropriate Design Code which would ensure that the development had an coherent character which responded well to its immediate context and the wider character of Linton Village and the adjacent conservation area.  The Local Planning Authority also considers that, in the absence of an agreed design for the access road, the development would be contrary to the landscaped character of the wider area.  As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies P10, P11 and P12 of the Core Strategy, the guidance contained within the SPG ‘Neighbourhoods for Living’ and the guidance within the NPPF


5  In the absence of a detailed topographical survery, levels information, arboricultural impact assessment and further habitat and ecology surveys, it had not been possible for the Local Planning Authority to properly consider and assess the effect of the proposed development on existing trees within and adjacent to the site and the potential ecological implications.  In the absence of this information it is considered that the proposed development would cause harm to protected species and the arboricultural and ecological amenities of the site, as well as the wider landscape character, contrary to Policy G8 and P12 of the Core Strategy and the guidance within the National Planning Policy Framework


6  In the absence of a signed Section 106 agreement, the proposed development so far fails to provide necessary on-site affordable housing, Greenspace and the offered public transport (Metro Cards), contrary to the requirements of Policies H5, T2, G4 and ID2 of the Leeds Core Strategy and guidance in the NPPF.  The Council anticipates that a Section 106 agreement covering these matters could be provided in the event of an appeal but at present, reserves the right to contest these matters should the Section 106 agreement not be completed or cover all the requirements satisfactorily



Supporting documents: