Agenda item

Application 14/05524/FU - Green Lane Dyeworks, Green Lane, Yeadon

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a residential development comprising 93 new build units and conversion of existing mill to create 46 units, 64 bed care home, new access from Focus Way, provision of public open space, realignment of existing watercourse and demolition of redundant industrial buildings.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a residential development comprising 93 new build units and conversion of existing mill to create 46 units, 64 bed care home, new access from Focus Way, provision of public open space, realignment of existing watercourse and demolition of redundant industrial buildings at Green Lane Dyeworks, Green Lane, Yeadon Leeds.


Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to during the discussion on this application.


Issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The site fell within a conservation area.

·  The mill ponds would not be retained.

·  The water tower would be demolished and re-erected within the site.

·  The older stone chimney would be retained.

·  Members were shown the previous proposals for the site – main changes included a different range of property types and sizes along with much more retention of original buildings.

·  The larger brick chimney which is a prominent landmark feature would restrict views for properties on the site and the view of planning and conservation officers was that this could be demolished.

·  There would be at least 2 parking spaces for each house, 1 for each flat and generous visitor parking.

·  There would be 10 affordable housing units – this figure had been advised by the District Valuer.

·  Reference was made to representations from a local Ward Member.  These included the retention of all the original buildings and the brick chimney.

·  It was recommended that the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval.


A member of the Aireborough Civic Society addressed the Panel.  Issues raised included the following:


·  It was felt that the scheme was much improved but there were still a number of concerns.

·  The loss of the landmark brick chimney would be controversial and there were other schemes where similar features had been retained.

·  The site had become derelict and it was improtrant that the existing buildings be brought back to uses as soon as possible.

·  Stone from demolished properties should be used in new buildings on the site.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  Issues raised included the following:


·  The proposals had been revised along with planning officers and Elected Members.

·  The proposals offered a residential development that would bring a brownfield site back into use.

·  A number of flagship buildings would be retained on the site.

·  Retention of the brick chimney would have an impact on amenity and would affect the opportunity to deliver the proposals as outlined.

·  The provider of the care home was a joint applicant and the care element of the scheme would definitely go ahead.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Timing for construction of the care home and phasing of affordable housing and re-use of existing buildings – this would all be detailed in conditions to the application.

·  Retention of the gateway to the site.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval as per the recommendation outlined in the report.


(Members of the public and press left the meeting during the discussion of information detailed in the exempt appendix for this item).


Supporting documents: