Agenda item

Applications 15/00363/OT and 15/00365/RM - Variation of conditions 5 and 4 of outline permission 13/01640/OT to allow amendments to approved gross internal area for cinema and minor material amendment to approved parameter plans to allow increase in approved maximum height and Reserved Matters application for Phase 1 of development approved under outline permission 13/01640/OT to cover part demolition, alterations and extensions to form new cinema and restaurants and associated works including creation of new public realm, landscaping and alterations to access routes and car park configuration - White Rose Shopping Centre Dewsbury Road LS11

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on the following applications:


Application 15/00363/OT


Variation of condition 5 of planning approval 13/01640/OT to allow amendments to Gross Internal Areas to cinema and variation of condition 4 for minor material amendments to approved parameter plans to allow increases in approved height to parts of cinema and:


Application 15/00365/RM


Reserved Matters application for Phase 1 of development approved under application 13/01640/OT: part demolition and alteration of existing buildings and erect extensions to form new cinema and restaurant units, alterations to existing and creation of new public realm and landscaping, alterations to existing vehicular access and creation of new vehicular, pedestrian, service access; alterations to car park configuration; together with infrastructure and associated works


  Plans, graphics, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting

  The Panel considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer on two applications relating to the White Rose Shopping Centre (WRSC); one seeking the variation of two conditions of application 13/01640/OT relating to the gross internal area for the cinema and maximum height of the cinema and the Reserved Matters application for the first phase of the development under the outline permission

  Officers presented the report and outlined the location of the proposed cinema which would now include an IMAX screen.  Members were informed that the increase in height by 6 metres was limited to the IMAX element of the proposals only.  To minimise the visual impact of the cinema, a light grey external cladding was proposed

  On the issue of car parking, the applicant had demonstrated that the staff car park could be reconfigured to provide an additional 14 – 20 spaces, although that would require a fresh application

  Members were informed that 250 extra parking spaces would be available during the first phase of the proposals and that a condition on the original outline permission required the existing level of car parking (at the time of that application) be replaced.  Officers were proposing to add 14 additional spaces to that number to give a final figure

  The receipt of further representations was reported, with Members being informed that Councillor Finnigan had advised that the Morley Borough Independents supported the proposals and that the Director of the Media Museum in Bradford had advised that the organisation was not submitting any further evidence in respect of their objection to the proposals

  The Panel discussed the applications, with the main areas of discussion relating to:

·  car parking levels; that highways had raised some concerns about the level of parking being provided and further intensification of the site; the risk to the Council both practically and economically if the proposed travel plan did not work as planned; whether the contingency fund of £700,000 would be sufficient to address issues arising from the proposals; the likely increased number of visitors to the centre, generating more traffic and the requirement for increased parking spaces and the increased dwell time of visitors when the new facilities came on board, which would also have an impact on the availability of parking spaces on site and that the additional 250 spaces being provided was on account of the proposed expansion of two main retail units not proceeding at this stage

·  the lack of improvements to the bus station at the WRSC in terms of its physical appearance and maintenance with concerns about the applicant’s desire for and commitment to a modal shift at the site from cars to public transport

·  that the application which included the reconfiguration of the car parking areas should be brought to Panel for determination

·  the need to consider staff safety issues from both the later night opening for the cinema and restaurant uses and the distance of the staff car park from the WRSC, with an employer-funded shuttle bus being suggested

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that in terms of car parking spaces, there was a condition on the outline permission for the net amount of car parking to be retained.  There was also the requirement for a phasing plan to be provided which would include details of parking and that 240-250 extra spaces above what was currently there would be on site in the first phase.  The Chief Planning Officer stated that the difference in parking numbers was about 14 extra cars, which represented 0.3% of car parking provision on the site and that further car parking would be provided to reach, if not exceed, the levels set out in the original outline approval

·  that Members’ comments on the condition of the bus station at the WRSC would be reported back and that discussions would continue about the centre’s future requirements

·  that the third application for the site which had been referred to related to minor works.  The Chair advised there did not seem majority support from Members for this to be brought to Panel for determination

·  in relation to security/staff safety, a condition had been included which would require provision of details about security issues

The Panel considered how to proceed


Application 15/00363/OT

To approve the application in principle and refer the application to the

Secretary of State.  The referral of the application is necessary as it seeks the variation of conditions on an existing outline permission for a development of over 5000sqm of town centre uses on an out-of-centre site, and, if approved, would result in the issuing of a new stand-alone permission for the development.  In the event of the Secretary of State not wishing to intervene, to delegate final approval to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the conditions specified (and any others he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a Deed of Variation to carry the obligations on the Section 106 Agreement for the original outline forward to this new permission


In the circumstances where the Deed of Variation has not been

completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer


Application 15/00365/RM

To defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer to be

issued subject to and following the approval of the accompanying application 15/00363/OT and subject to the conditions specified.  Prior to issuing of the decision, the description of the application shall be changed to refer to the new outline permission and to read as follows:


Reserved Matters application for Phase 1 of development under

application 15/00663/OT; part demolition and alteration of existing buildings and erect extensions to form new cinema and restaurant units; alterations to existing and creation of new public realm and landscaping; alterations to existing vehicular access and creation of new vehicular, pedestrian, service access; alterations to car park configuration, together with infrastructure and associated works



Supporting documents: