Agenda item

Application 16/00648/FU - Demolition of existing house and the erection of three storey block of two flats - 264 Alwoodley Lane, Alwoodley, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached rep[ort of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing house and the erection of three storey block of two flats.


  Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor Cohen withdrew from the meeting


  Plans, drawings, graphics and photographs were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which sought approval to the demolition of the current dwelling at 264 Alwoodley Lane and it replacement with a three storey block of two, generously sized flats

  The planning history of the site was outlined to Panel which had included several co-joined applications with 266 Alwoodley Lane, for flat developments, although more recently applications solely for the subject site had been submitted with the most recent application for 3 flats and basement parking being refused and subsequently dismissed on appeal.  Planning permission had also been granted in 2009 for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a larger, five bedroom detached house, with Members being informed that the applicant now sought to bring forward a scheme with dimensions which reflected the 2009 approval, albeit for two flats

  Members were informed that the current application sought to address issues in the previous schemes.  In terms of the principle of development, local concerns about the loss of family housing and the introduction of flats had been noted, however the Inspector in determining an application on the site in 2012, was satisfied with flats being introduced in this location and that such accommodation did not necessarily preclude occupation by families  Members were also informed there was no policy to prevent flats being sited in any location

Details of the access arrangements; boundary treatments; outdoor space, internal layout of the accommodation and parking were provided.  Members were also informed that the footprint of the new dwelling would be set two metres further back into the site than the existing dwelling

In respect of impact of the proposals on the character of the area, the proposals would read as a two storey dwelling from Alwoodley Lane

Members were informed there were no issues in relation to highways safety or parking; that in relation to drainage, colleagues in Flood Risk Management had not raised concerns about what was one additional dwelling and that conditions were proposed to deal with drainage matters

The Panel heard representations from an objector who outlined concerns which included:

·  the planning history of the site and the impact on neighbours of frequent planning applications at 264 and 266 Alwoodley Lane

·  the possibility of a precedent being set for the development of flats in the area if the application was approved, with concerns this would lead to transient occupation and the loss of community/local life

·  the extent of local opposition to the application

·  the size of the flats being proposed

·  highway concerns, particularly on-street parking; the steep nature of the drive on site and the extent to which the underground car park would be used by residents because of this

The Panel then heard representations on behalf of the applicant who

addressed Members and provided information which included:

·  details of the on-site parking being provided

·  the nature of the accommodation being provided and that it would not lend itself to transient occupiers

·  that two long-standing, local residents sought to move into the proposed development

·  that the development was not a speculative one.  The applicant who was in attendance, confirmed to the Panel that he had no interest whatever in the adjoining site

·  that much work had been carried out with Officers on the proposals for two, substantial, well-appointed flats

·  that the proposals represented an appropriate development on a brownfield site

Members discussed the application, with the main areas of discussion

relating to:

·  the underground car park; its appearance and size to cater for normal vehicle manoeuvring, particularly from large cars.  Members were informed that the basement would be well lit and that a heated ramp would be provided so access to the facility would be possible all year round.  In respect of entering and exiting the car park in forward gear, the Panel’s highways representative advised that this had been looked at carefully; that the car park plan had been amended to provide further space and that working on a 95 percentile vehicle, Officers were content these manoeuvres – this being a three point and multipoint manoeuvres  - could be made even if all of the spaces were occupied such that vehicles could enter and leave the basement in a forward gear

·  the likelihood of this form of development proceeding, with the view being expressed that if planning approval was granted, an application for a more intensive scheme on the site might be submitted

·  that the proposals were not for the betterment of the area

·  that the applicant had taken on board the points raised in the previous refusals

·  drainage issues; the impact of the proposals on run off rates, which Officers advised would increase; methods of addressing this increase and the fact that detailed drainage information had not been included in the report before Panel.  The Panel’s Lead Officer advised that the wording of the proposed drainage condition could be tightened up to include run off rates and that it was critical to establish the principle that the land could be properly drained and that detailed drainage conditions would be attached to the approval

The Panel considered how to proceed

A proposal to refuse the application was moved and seconded but did

not receive majority support

RESOLVED -  That the application be granted subject to the conditions

set out in the submitted report and that additional details be included relating to the imposition of the drainage related conditions to restrict the run off rate to greenfield rates or the existing run off rate


  Following consideration of this matter, Councillor Cohen resumed his seat in the meeting



Supporting documents: