Agenda item

Digital advertising screens in licensed vehicles – Presentation of further information and review of Licensing Committee recommendations of 9 September 2014

With reference to the meeting of 10th March 2015 and the decision to defer consideration of this item to allow all parties to receive and consider any new information and determine if any areas of dispute remain. The Head of Licensing and Registration submitted a further report which attempted to address objections to a previous recommendation which imposed a requirement to produce letters of approval from vehicle manufacturers approving digital advertising screens fitted within head restraints in their manufactured vehicles.



(Report attached)




With reference to the meeting of 10th March 2015 and the decision to defer consideration of this item to allow all parties to receive and consider any new information and determine if any areas of dispute remained.


The Head of Licensing and Registration submitted a further report which attempted to address objections to a previous recommendation which imposed a requirement to produce letters of approval from vehicle manufacturers approving digital advertising screens fitted within head restraints in their manufactured vehicles.


It was reported that it was that condition which had been challenged.


In addressing the report, the Section Head, Taxi and Private Hire Licensing suggested that as a public safety measure and to meet statutory licensing requirements, a condition was imposed that required documentation from vehicle manufacturers to approve the replacement of the manufacturer’s original head restraint with the aftermarket product in question. It was reported that expert opinion had been sought which supported a public safety viewpoint. Section 3.3 of the submitted report referred.


The Chair invited Mr D Crake, Managing Director, Digicab Media Ltd and Mr D Askham, Leeds Private Hire Drivers Association to comment on the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration.


In offering comment Mr Crake reported that the product had been on the market for 2 years and was operational in 7 other Local Authorities throughout the Country. There was currently no case law to support the product was unsafe and to date there were no reported injuries /claims in connection with the product. Mr Crake questioned if the advice been presented to Members was legal and relevant.


Mr Askham suggested there were many other aftermarket devices/ products currently fitted in taxis which were not subject to the same scrutiny, exceptions to the policy could be made.


In responding the Section Head, Taxi and Private Hire Licensing suggested that such devices/products had achieved British Standard accreditation. The Digicab Media product had not been tested.


Members queried how the product had been approved in other Local Authorities.


In responding the Section Head, Taxi and Private Hire Licensing confirmed that product had been approved by other local authorities but, these authorities had not sought evidence that the product was safe. Officers in Leeds had included a condition which required the production of a certificate from the supplier which demonstrated that the product had attained conformity to the principles of UN ECE Reg 25 or was part of the vehicle range which achieved EWVTA with UN ECE Reg 17.


The existing conditions (Leeds City Council) were set out in Appendix No. 5 of the submitted report


Mr Crake, referring to Appendices Nos. 2 & 3 of the submitted report (Conditions imposed by Wakefield and York Councils) said that other local authorities had not required such a condition.


At this point the meeting went into closed session to received advice from the City Solicitor.


RESOLVED – To amend the existing Licensing Conditions to read as follows:


(i)  That paragraphs 3, 4 and 8 be removed


(ii)  Paragraph 3 to now read; “All equipment must comply with any safety legislative requirements and Construction and Use Regulations and other legislation”


(iii)  Paragraph 16 be amended to read as follows; “Passengers must be able to have the screen turned off, on request”








Supporting documents: