Agenda item

Application 15/02470/FU - Land at Black Bull Street LS10

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer, which sets out details

of an application for the development of a new secondary free school with associated sports and recreation facilities, parking and landscaping at Black Bull Street, Hunslet, Leeds 10.


(Report attached)


  Further to minute 174 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 16th April 2015, where Panel considered a pre-application presentation for a new secondary free school at Black Bull Street, Members considered a further report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the formal application

  Plans, graphics, precedent images and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which related to the provision of a new secondary free school – The Ruth Gorse Academy – on land at Black Bull Street

  Members were updated on the following issues:

·  drainage – with the applicant continuing to negotiate on the issue of the water discharge rate which Yorkshire Water were not satisfied with.  Members were informed this matter would be controlled by condition

·  connectivity, with a commuted sum of £22,000 being offered towards the future provision of a new East-West pedestrian and cycle connection along the southern boundary of the site (to be delivered in conjunction with any redevelopment of the site to the south), with this to be considered by Highways Officers

·  the off-site highways package – that this was now acceptable

·  the construction management plan – that this remained under review and could be controlled by condition

·  school bus provision – that Highways Officers were satisfied with the proposed layout

In respect of the boundary treatments, some revisions had been made

in light of Members’ comments with railings and brick piers being proposed to the Chadwick Street boundary.  Mesh fencing would be provided to the MUGA but would be set back from the pavement, with nine new street trees to be planted on Black Bull Street

  Members noted the design alterations to the Hub in view of the concerns expressed about the visual impact of the initial proposals

  The Panel discussed the application.  The Chair invited the Principal of the Ruth Gorse Academy and the applicant’s highways representative to respond to queries and comments from the Panel.  A detailed discussion took place with the main points being raised relating to:

·  the speed of traffic on Black Bull Street and measures to slow traffic speed.  Concerns were raised about the incidents of speeding along this road which Members had witnessed on their site visit with a request being made this matter be formally referred to Highways and West Yorkshire Police.  The Transport Development Services Manager confirmed this matter would be taken up and enforcement action commenced

·  concerns about the potential conflict between pedestrians and road users in this area

·  the need for traffic laybys to be surfaced in a different colour or raised to ensure the location of the pedestrian flow was highlighted.  The Transport Development Services Manager advised that although this was not part of the application, it could be investigated

·  the Park and Stride initiative and an explanation of this

·  the NGT proposals and how this could affect the parking on Chadwick Street, particularly if the NGT scheme was not implemented.  Members were informed that the majority of on-street parking on Chadwick Street would be removed, apart from the existing laybys.  With the implementation of NGT, Chadwick Street would become one way, south bound

·  the concerns raised by West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) regarding bus dropping off and picking up and the extent of parent drop off/pick up points being provided.  Members were informed by the applicant’s highways representative that WYCA and Highways were satisfied with the proposals for bus drop off/pick up points and that in terms of parents transporting their children to and from school by car, surveys of the likely catchment area for the school showed low car ownership levels compared to other areas of Leeds.  Additionally 80% of the students were likely to be in receipt of the pupil premium.  Concerns were reiterated about the problems caused by parents picking up/dropping of their children at school, regardless of the levels of pupil premium at schools.  The amount of space being provided for the school buses to park up was also questioned

·  the level of car parking for staff and visitors with concerns this remained too low and that whilst it was aspirational to have car free/ low car staffing, it was not realistic

·  wider highways issues, particularly concerns about potential gridlock to the City Centre and beyond if vehicle congestion began to build up on Black Bull Street

·  the number of developments which had recently been completed around the site and the need to be clear on what the wider highways strategy was for the area

·  the need for the status of Black Bull Street to be downgraded over time

·  the extent of community use for the facilities, with the Principal outlining the proposed opening times and the range of facilities, particularly sports facilities which could be used by the wider community

Whilst welcoming the alterations which had been made to the scheme

since it was last presented to Panel, concerns about highways and pedestrian/student safety were reiterated.  A suggestion was made to defer determination of the application for further highways information.  Concerns were raised about the tight timescales involved, if the building of the school was to proceed.  A further suggestion was made that a report on the detailed highways issues to be controlled by planning condition be presented to Panel prior to their approval and the commencement of the building works

  The Panel considered how to proceed

  RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval in principle, subject to the resolution of the following detailed matters:

·  surface water drainage discussions with Yorkshire Water

·  agreement of the commuted sum calculation towards the east-west pedestrian link at the southern end of the site

·  the travel plan including measures regarding pupil pick up and drop off

·  confirmation that all off-site highways works are acceptable

·  confirmation that the construction management plan is acceptable

·  confirmation that the concerns of WYCA regarding relocation of bus stops and school bus provision can be addressed


and the specified conditions set out in the submitted report (and any others which he might consider appropriate) and following the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to cover the following matters:

·  travel plan monitoring fee - £2,000

·  local bus stop improvement - £20,000

·  community use of facilities

·  public access to east-west link across the northern end of the site

·  commuted sum towards the future delivery of an east-west pedestrian route to the south of the site (sum to be agreed)

·  co-operation with local jobs and skills initiatives


In the circumstances where the Section 106 Agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.  Additionally that a further report which addressed the highways issues and concerns raised by Members be submitted to Panel for consideration, prior to building works commencing on the site



Supporting documents: