Agenda item

Key Welfare Changes and Preparations for Universal Credit.

To consider a report by the Director of Environment and Housing which provides details of the Key Welfare Changes, implications from the recent Budget and sets out the preparations for Universal Credit.


(Report attached)



The Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report informing Housing Advisory Board of the key welfare changes; implications from the recent Budget and the preparations being made for the implementation of Universal Credit which would be introduced in Leeds on 1st February 2016.  Appended to the report was a copy of the Housing Leeds Action Plan 2015-2016 relating to welfare reforms and the introduction of Universal Credit and a summary report of the financial implications of the Chancellor’s July budget statement

  Officers presented the report and informed the Board that initially around 60-80 tenants per month would be affected by the changes, however this would increase with around 24,000 tenants likely to be affected by the welfare reform changes

  In terms of the provision of support to those who would be affected, teams of dedicated Officers were being developed who would provide support through access to IT and help with finding employment.  In addition an action plan had been developed around communication and training for staff

  The Board discussed the report, with the following issues being raised:

·  the extent to which tenants affected by Under Occupation were seeking to be rehoused or were accepting reductions in Housing Benefit

·  the cessation of Housing Benefit for those aged 18-20 and whether exceptions would be made for those young people leaving care.  Members were informed that details of any exceptions had not yet been provided by DWP

·  whether any information was available from other Local Authorities where Universal Credit had already been introduced.  The Board was informed that a visit to Oldham Council was to take place and that a report on the findings of that visit could be brought to a future meeting

·  the need for a representative from the Council’s Benefits Service to attend a further meeting to provide information to the Board including on direct payments.  Particular concern was raised about the in-built delay of 5-6 weeks before the first payment of Universal Credit was made and the fact that claims would no longer be backdated to 6 months but to 4 weeks.  Members were informed that although a mechanism existed whereby payments could be taken directly by the Council this would only be possible after people had already fallen into arrears and of the list of priority debts set out by DWP, rent was not a top priority

·  the cost to the Council of the additional staffing required to provide support.  The Director of Environment and Housing advised that whilst there would be an additional cost the decision to provide this support was an economically sensible one

·  how people with particular needs would be supported.  Officers advised that for those people an holistic approach would be taken which looked at the needs of individuals

·  how tenants would be involved in the work being undertaken with the Board being advised this would be through VITAL

·  the number of other sections within the Council which were working on these changes and that a Scrutiny Inquiry was also taking place

·  the composition of the membership of the Welfare Reform Board and the Citizens@Leeds Programme Board

·  the implications of the changes together with the 1% cut in rent announced recently by the Chancellor and how pressure could be brought to bear on Central Government, possibly by joining with other Local Authorities to share information and best practice.  The Director of Environment and Housing stated that Housing Leeds did engage in consultation with other Local Authorities and that Senior Officers were part of national networks, however it was clear the Government intended to implement the planned changes so the key element was about how Housing Leeds responded to them

The Chair welcomed the work which had been carried out to date but

stressed there were many more issues which would need to be considered and addressed and that the Board should retain a watching brief on this matter though the preparation for Universal Credit and its implementation

  RESOLVED – i) To note the contents of the report and the support provided to tenants to respond to the challenges of Welfare Reform and the preparations for the introduction of Universal Credit

  ii) That the Chief Officer Welfare and Benefits be asked to submit a report to a future meeting which provided further information on the Welfare Reform proposals, including details of exceptions



Supporting documents: