Agenda item

Review of the Premises Licence for Wykebeck Arms, Selby Road, Leeds, LS9 0EW

To receive a report which sets out the options available to Members in reviewing the Premises Licence for Wykebeck Arms, Selby Road, Leeds, LS9 0EW


 The Sub-Committee considered a Review of a Premises Licence held at the premises known as “The Wykebeck Arms” Selby Road, Leeds LS9. The Review was considered under the provisions of Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 at the request of West Yorkshire Police. The Licensing Authority was therefore required to review the Premises Licence having regard to guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act.


Present at the hearing:


  • West Yorkshire Police (WYP) – the applicant, represented by Ms Checa-Dover and PC Dobson;
  • Mr R Taylor of Gosschlaks Solicitors, Hull, representing Enterprise Inns; and
  • Mr I Brown Area Manager of Enterprise Inns.


Mr Dean Walker, the previous Premises Licence Holder (PLH) and Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) for the premises was not in attendance. 


The Sub-Committee heard from the Police who provided information leading up to the application to review the premises licence. The history of the premises and the Police’s involvement was explained to the Sub Committee as follows:


It was established that Enterprise Inns owned the premises and that there had been a history of non-compliance with authorities by the previous licence holder. The Sub  Committee were informed that there had been 10 meetings with the licence holder prior to the application to the review the licence and that been no effort to co-operate with the Police. It was established that Mr Walker had been removed and that Angela Spencer had been appointed as the DPS (Designated Premises Supervisor) and PLH (Premises Licence Holder), a local person with experience of managing other licensed premises.


The Sub Committee then heard from Mr Taylor representing Enterprise Inns who responded to the submissions of the Police.


Mr Taylor explained that Mr Brown worked alongside PC Dobson. The Sub Committee heard that when the Police issued proceedings, this allowed enterprise Inns to issue proceedings against Mr Walker who had a lease that did not expire until 2022. Enterprise Inns accepted that they needed to work closely with the Police and provide support the new DPS and that the premises needed to establish a good track record.


Mr Taylor explained that he felt, that no action should be taken in terms of putting in further conditions on the licence as the effect of this would be to punish the new DPS who was not at fault. The cause of the problems at the premises had been removed.


Enterprise Inns acknowledged that if there were more problems with the premises it would be them that was liable for prosecution and they were anxious to avoid this.


The Sub Committee went on to discuss the conditions of the licence, the CCTV provision at the premises and the issue of children being served at the premises and how this could be dealt with in the future.



RESOLVED – That, following careful consideration of the application, the supplementary information and the submissions made, no action was necessary and that the circumstance of the review did not require the Committee to take any steps to promote the licensing objectives.

Supporting documents: