Agenda item

Application 15/03918/FU - Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 13/03241/FU to allow minor material amendments to east, south, west and north elevations - Conkers - The Ridge Linton Wetherby

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 13/03241/FU to allow minor material amendments to the east, south, west and north elevations


(report attached)




Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer seeking approval to make small changes to the design of a house which was granted planning permission in early 2014

  The proposed changes were outlined to Panel and it was stated that a reassessment of the whole scheme from first principles was not being sought, but consideration of a number of minor material amendments and whether the proposed changes impacted on the residential amenity of neighbouring properties or its overall visual acceptability

  In terms of landscaping, agreements had not been reached on this issue and this matter could be brought back to Panel if it was felt to be appropriate

  The Panel heard representations from an objector who attended the meeting and outlined her concerns, which included:

·  the impact of the proposals on her privacy

·  landscaping issues and concerns about the removal of trees and the less dense replacement border planting being proposed

·  issues of overlooking

·  what works were proposed to the existing boundary wall and finished garden levels as it was unclear

The Panel then heard from the applicant’s architect who provided

information which included:

·  the planning history of the site

·  the nature of the minor alterations being sought

·  an appreciation of the concerns about privacy and that the amendments provided for this

·  that a full landscape scheme had been submitted with the application

The applicant was in attendance and responded to questions from the

Panel relating to the level of local consultation which she and her husband had undertaken prior to submission of the application; that a request to remove the high conifers had been made by the objector; that a reasonably high wall, i.e. higher than currently existed, between the site and the objector’s property could be agreed to and that the applicants also valued their privacy and required adequate boundary screening

  Clarification was sought on the submission of the landscaping proposals, with Members being informed that the North East Area Planning Manager – who was currently on leave – had seen these but they had not yet been fully considered.  In responding to the comments made by the objector and applicant, Members were advised that adequate screening was important and that Officers were confident a scheme could be worked out which protected the privacy of both parties

  Members discussed the application, with the key issues being raised relating to:

·  detailed design issues relating to the proposed omission of a chimney from its original location and that this feature should be retained; consideration of the two side windows to be obscure glazed and the inclusion of a stone wall at the front of the dwelling, which was not in keeping with the area

·  the difference in the levels of the site; that the site levels were not in accordance with the approved details; how the site levels would impact on the neighbouring property and the need for a supporting structure to contain the mound of earth on the site, if this was to be retained

·  overlooking issues and maintenance issues relating to the dividing boundary wall in the event it was damaged by trees

·  that this application was tied in with the landscaping proposals and boundary treatments

The Panel considered how to proceed

RESOLVED – That determination of the application be deferred to

enable discussions to take place on the finalisation of the landscaping scheme, land levels, boundary treatments, aspect and design details, in consultation with the immediate neighbours, previous contributors and Ward Members and that a further report be submitted to the next meeting to enable Members to determine the application



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