Agenda item

Application 15/04649/FU - Reighton House, Moor Lane, East Keswick

To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for the demolition of existing stable block, garage and outbuildings. Alterations to detached house approved under 13/04348/CLP (lawful development certificate granted for side, rear and front extensions, roof alterations and erection of outbuilding), along with a reduction in hardstanding area and erection of an annex and detached garage at Reighton House, Moor Lane, East Keswick.


(report attached)




With reference to minute 134 of the North and East Plans Panel meeting held on 5th February 2015, where Panel considered a report relating to unauthorised works to dwelling at Reighton House East Keswick LS17, the Panel considered a further report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the submitted application. Members noted that earlier in the meeting a request had been made by Cllr. Wilkinson on behalf of Cllr. R Procter to defer consideration of this application on the basis that the report was incomplete; that there were issues around the height of the dwelling and its size and that it did not comply with Green Belt Policy with it being decided to hear the Officer presentation and for the Panel to decide how to proceed.


Photos and plans were displayed at the meeting. Members had visited Reighton House prior to the meeting.


The Panel’s Lead Officer informed Members that the height of the building had been surveyed as part of the monitoring process, but that Councillor R Procter did not share the conclusions which had been reached on this  Members were informed that the ridge height was in the region of 40cm lower than the original, however the roof tiles had not yet been put on and in respect of the size, it was accepted that the level of the extension was well above the 30% allowed under policy.


Reference was also made to the Certificate of Lawfulness which had been granted and which had been discussed at North and East Plans Panel meetings in November 2014 and February 2015


The application that had been submitted had been prompted by the Panel’s comments at the meetings in November 2014 and February 2015 that a planning application be sought. The Panel was reminded that the applicant still had a fall-back position of a valid Certificate of Lawfulness.


Members were informed that although the proposed family room was now slightly larger there was a reduction in the overall cubic content. Planning permission would secure issues of landscaping where a Certificate of Lawfulness would not.


Officers considered that the proposals were better and had less impact.


Councillor Wilkinson drew Members’ attention to points of concern raised by Councillor R Procter who had been unable to attend.


The points of concern being:

·  the Green Belt Policy of 30%

·  that temporary structures had been included in the area to be redeveloped which was not appropriate

·  landscaping could be moved at any time

·  no mention in the report of requests by Officers to stop work and building continuing

·  that the application should have been referred to the Secretary of State

In response to the concerns raised the Panel were informed:

·  that landscaping formed part of the conditions and should be in position for at least 5 years, replacing plants should they die during that time

·  that the development was not of such a size to be referred to the Secretary of State and the applicants had made it clear that they would not stop the build as they had a valid Certificate of Lawfulness.

·  officers had asked that works be stopped but the applicant had made it clear that he had a Certificate of Lawfulness and would carry on


The Panel was informed that there had been no objections raised by neighbours or the Parish Council.


The Panel noted the discussions that had taken place with Ward Members


RESOLVED- That the application be granted subject to the recommendations outlined in the submitted report.




Supporting documents: