Agenda item

Application 15/03519/FU - Proposed alterations and two storey extension, change of use to units 51-59, new restaurant, change of unit of units 41-49, associated public realm works, highway works, infrastructure for hotel and retail units - Merrion Hotel Wade Lane LS2

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for alterations and 2 storey extension, change of use to units 51-29, new restaurant, change of use of units 41-49, associated public realm works, highway works, infrastructure for hotel and retail units


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs, drawings and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which sought approval to alterations and extensions to the Merrion Hotel, Wade Lane LS2, to form an upgraded, 134 bedroom hotel, with a new 491sqm A3 Use Class restaurant, together with new shop fronts to the existing retail units, with flexible A1,A2, A3 and A4 uses being sought  The proposals would also require the demolition of the octagonal building, a former public house

  The issue of land levels across the site had been dealt with by the use of steps, balustrades, planters and the provision of an outdoor seating area for the restaurant

  A new drop off area would be provided to the front of the footway on Wade Lane with a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) being introduced to control parking in this area 

Improved pedestrian access along Wade Lane would also be created as part of this scheme by widening of the footpath

  In terms of the existing disabled car parking bays fronting onto Wade Lane, Members were informed that these would be retained

  The Panel considered the application, with the main issues being raised relating to:

·  access for coaches dropping off at the hotel; the need to ensure modern coaches which were longer could be accommodated and the possibility of creating additional space by moving the existing bus stop and shelter towards Merrion Street

·  employment opportunities arising from the scheme.  Members were informed that details of the likely number of jobs which would be created could be provided

·  that the scheme would regenerate a tired part of the city centre

·  the design of the scheme; concerns from some Members that this was uninspiring and required improvement; but a general recognition  that it was an improvement on the existing situation and addressed a need in this area of Leeds

·  the landscaping proposals and that further planting should be considered

·  the historic nature of this area and that artwork within the scheme reflecting this should be considered

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that a TRO was proposed to accommodate a time restricted drop off point that could be used by coaches as well as private vehicles/taxis

·  in terms of design, it was accepted that the finished scheme would not be iconic but the proposals were considered to be appropriate and would enhance the area; would sit comfortably with the work already undertaken to improve the external appearance of the Merrion Centre and would create activity and vibrancy in this area which was currently lacking

·  on the landscaping/public realm, the scheme responded to the constraints of the site and it was considered that one feature tree was more preferable

The Chair invited a representative of the applicant to address the

Panel on the inclusion of art within the scheme.  Members were informed that the applicant - a national chain of hoteliers - sought to reflect the local area in their buildings.  Images of proposed decorative elements in the hotel rooms depicting landmark buildings in Leeds were distributed for Members’ information.  The Panel was also informed that concept designs for the interior of the hotel referenced the local area

  Discussions continued on the design of the extension with some concerns that this did not reflect aspirations for securing the best design for buildings in the city.  The Deputy Area Planning Manager advised that the detailing of the scheme, which he considered to be a key factor, could be controlled by planning condition

  RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval, subject to the specified conditions appended to the submitted report (and any others which he might consider appropriate), and following completion of a Section 106 Agreement to cover the following additional matters:

·  a Travel Plan monitoring and evaluation fee of £2500.00

·  Employment and training opportunities for local people

·  £6000 contribution for a Traffic Regulation Order for a new drop off area to Wade Lane


In the circumstances where the Section 106 Agreement has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer



Supporting documents: