Agenda item

PREAPP/15/00587 - City Reach - Site south of Kirkstall Road Burley fronting the River Aire (former Yorkshire Chemicals Site)

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application, outline proposals for a mixed use scheme comprising private sector residential, private rented sector (PRS) residential and student housing with ancillary ground floor active uses, small scale retailing, café/restaurants and bars and to receive a presentation on the proposals on behalf of the developer


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments



(report attached)




  Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillors Nash and P Gruen left the meeting


Plans, graphics and artist’s impressions were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  The Panel considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out pre-application proposals for a mixed use scheme comprising private sector residential for sale, private rented sector residential and student housing with ancillary ground floor active uses, small scale retailing, café/restaurants and bars at the former Yorkshire Chemicals Site, Kirkstall Road fronting the River Aire

  The strategic context of the site was outlined to Members, with the site being opposite the Otter Island residential development, approved by City Plans Panel in 2014 and now being implemented.  Members had also visited this development earlier in the day.  The site was located in an area in transition and formed part of a wider allocation in the emerging Site Allocations Plan which included a requirement for a school

  Members were informed that the proposals to be presented showed buildings which were one storey higher adjacent to the river than set out in the Officer report before Panel

  The Panel then received a presentation from representatives of the developer

  The main points outlined in the presentation included:

·  the credentials of the applicant and their global experience of financing, developing and operating residential developments

·  the vision to create a new community of 1000 new homes in three different sectors across the site, supported by retail and leisure facilities in an environment which people would choose to live in

·  that the private rented sector would help meet the demands of the changing urban demographic and would enable younger professionals to remain in Leeds

·  the proposals would bring a stalled, brownfield site back into use

·  that reference would be paid to the Kirkstall Road Renaissance Plan; that the river would be used as an asset with the aim being to open river access to everyone

·  good pedestrian connectivity would be created

·  that the site was in a highly sustainable location

·  that a range of apartment sizes would be provided, including family-sized accommodation

·  on site, basement car parking was proposed of around 530 car parking spaces, with vehicular access being from Kirkstall Road

·  general public open space would be provided, with around 40% of the site being given over to public open space


The Panel discussed the proposals, with the following matters being


·  the mix of residential accommodation proposed and whether any problems were envisaged .  Members were informed that the scheme would be highly managed and that it was likely that the student accommodation would be sold to a student housing provider

·  the ownership of the bridge across the site.  Members were informed that it was in the ownership of the proposed applicant with  the intention being to retain and repair it in view of its importance in creating cohesive communities

·  wider links from the site

·  car parking levels and whether sufficient was being proposed.  Members were informed that the car parking would be fully managed and that a more flexible approach to this was being proposed.  Furthermore, no parking was being proposed for the student accommodation.  Cycle storage would be provided on the site and a car club was also proposed

On the specific questions posed in the report, the Panel provided the

following responses:

·  that further details were required on whether the scheme could be developed without prejudicing the provision of a school on the wider SAP site

·  that the city centre high rise approach to residential development was acceptable on this site

·  that the overall scale and articulation in the heights of the buildings, with the taller flanks and the lower centrally located buildings with central focal point was an acceptable approach in the context of the existing area

·  regarding the amount and location of publicly accessible open space and the pedestrian linkages to these spaces, more information was required on the proposed quality and nature of the proposed spaces and linkages

·  that Members shared the SAP requirement to retain, if not the existing, then a replacement river crossing to improve/enhance north-south connectivity

Additionally, achieving connectivity particularly to the adjoining area of

greenspace to the east of the site was stressed as being an important part of the proposals as they developed

  RESOLVED -  To note the report, the presentation and the comments now made


  During consideration of this matter, Councillors Campbell, Ritchie and Walshaw left the meeting



Supporting documents: