Agenda item

Replacement White Paper Motion(in the name of Councillor R Lewis) - Fracking


It was moved by Councillor R Lewis, seconded by Councillor Renshaw that this Council opposes the current exploration licenses for fracking in the Leeds area.


Council believes that these plans have been promoted and supported by central government, who are in the process of considering onshore oil and gas exploration applications for 159 areas of the Country, including a large section of South and East Leeds. Council laments that at the same time as this support, proposed changes to feed in tariffs and the end of funding for Green Deal are reported to be forcing companies working on renewable energy out of business.


Council notes the significant concerns about health, ecology and environment that require much further investigation before fracking can be justified near to residential areas. Council notes that Rothwell Country Park, Rothwell Pastures and the St Aidan’s reserve are all in the proposed exploration area.


Council believes that if planning applications are made for fracking then they should be considered thoroughly, with full local consultation. Council therefore opposes changes that “fast-track” planning applications for fracking sites, including greater powers for the Secretary of State, at the cost of local decision making.


Council therefore calls on central government to:

  • Withdraw the exploration licenses for fracking covering the Leeds district until the serious concerns about environment and health have been comprehensively addressed.
  • Ensure that local people are given a say on these significant planning applications by reversing the policy to “fast-track” fracking applications and remove the threat of the Secretary of State making local planning decisions.
  • Provide the conditions for British companies working on renewable energy to thrive in order to reduce dependence on non-renewables.


Council requests that the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning writes to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to confirm this resolution and calls on all members and officers to work towards these outcomes.


An amendment was moved by Councillor J Bentley seconded by Councillor Golton,


To insert at the end of the motion:


“Council resolves to develop a council policy on shale gas and coal bed methane extraction by referring this motion for a full scrutiny inquiry into the issue of fracking including the evidence of ecological, geological and environmental impacts associated with this method and to report back to full council as soon as possible.


“Council further resolves to increase its own commitment to non-fossil fuel electricity generation and requests that a report is brought to Executive Board at the earliest opportunity detailing how the council can help increase the city’s energy capacity from renewable sources including wind, solar and anaerobic digestion.”


A second amendment was moved by Councillor B Anderson seconded by Councillor Wadsworth,


Delete all after ‘This Council’ and replace with:


opposes the current exploration licenses for fracking in the Leeds area until such time as concerns about health, ecology and environment have been fully addressed.


This Council notes the increasingly urgent need for enhanced energy production in the UK as highlighted by the recent use of ‘last resort’ measures by the national grid to ensure that houses and business retained energy supplies.


Council believes that if planning applications are made for fracking then they should be considered thoroughly, with full local consultation. Council does note that there are currently proposals for the Secretary of State to get further powers in respect of fracking but would ask that Parliament ensures that full and thorough scrutiny and debate is carried out before any legislation is agreed.


This Council believes that any proposals to introduce fracking to the Leeds area should only be done with local support and once safety concerns have been fully addressed.’


The amendments in the name of Councillor J Bentley and Councillor B Anderson were declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED - That this Council opposes the current exploration licenses for fracking in the Leeds area.


Council believes that these plans have been promoted and supported by central government, who are in the process of considering onshore oil and gas exploration applications for 159 areas of the Country, including a large section of South and East Leeds. Council laments that at the same time as this support, proposed changes to feed in tariffs and the end of funding for Green Deal are reported to be forcing companies working on renewable energy out of business.


Council notes the significant concerns about health, ecology and environment that require much further investigation before fracking can be justified near to residential areas. Council notes that Rothwell Country Park, Rothwell Pastures and the St Aidan’s reserve are all in the proposed exploration area.


Council believes that if planning applications are made for fracking then they should be considered thoroughly, with full local consultation. Council therefore opposes changes that “fast-track” planning applications for fracking sites, including greater powers for the Secretary of State, at the cost of local decision making.


Council therefore calls on central government to:

  • Withdraw the exploration licenses for fracking covering the Leeds district until the serious concerns about environment and health have been comprehensively addressed.
  • Ensure that local people are given a say on these significant planning applications by reversing the policy to “fast-track” fracking applications and remove the threat of the Secretary of State making local planning decisions.
  • Provide the conditions for British companies working on renewable energy to thrive in order to reduce dependence on non-renewables.


Council requests that the Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning writes to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to confirm this resolution and calls on all members and officers to work towards these outcomes.