Agenda item

Application 15/04604/RM - Reserved matters application for the erection of residential development on land at Station House Station Road Methley LS26

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on a Reserved Matters application for the erection of residential development


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs, drawings and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which sought determination of the Reserved Matters application to be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to conditions and the resolution of outstanding matters as set out in the report before Panel

  City Plans Panel had previously considered the outline application on this Protected Area of Search (PAS) site, with a key element of the justification for bringing the site forward at this time being the financial contribution to be made to the delivery of flood defences to the north of the village

  The Reserved Matters proposals were outlined with Members being informed that a revised layout plan had recently been submitted, with 219 dwellings proposed for the site, comprising predominantly two storey dwellings, but with some two and a half and three storey properties in the centre of the site.  Affordable housing of 12.7% - which equated to 27 dwellings - would be located across the site

  Details of the housing mix across the site were provided, with Members being informed that three of the 3 bed dwellings were to be swapped for three 4 bed dwellings.  In terms of the 3 bed properties, these could be utilised as a 2 bed dwelling with a study.  On the issue of space standards, Members were informed that limited weight could be given to the National Space Standards as the Council had not yet gone through a formal process to adopt them

  Designs of house types were outlined with Members being informed that the materials would comprise brick of a colour appropriate to Methley, artstone and possibly a darker coloured roof tile than was shown on the graphic

  In terms of outstanding matters, Officers were continuing to work with the applicant on a small area in the south west corner of the site and that a revised layout which had been submitted had been sent to Highways for checking and to Yorkshire Water for confirmation they were satisfied with the revised layout

  The Panel discussed the application, with the main issues being raised relating to:

·  car parking.  Members were informed that the scheme provided two parking spaces per dwelling which met Highways car parking requirements.  Concerns continued to be raised about the level of car parking in what would be a car dominant development and how visitor parking would be accommodated,

·  bin storage, with details of the siting of this being provided for the different types of dwelling on the site

·  housing mix; that the local community had expressed the desire for bungalows to be included but none were proposed.  Members were informed this request had been taken back to the applicant but had been advised that bungalows did not work for the applicant in terms of viability

·  the number of two bed properties in the scheme and whether these could be increased to ensure mixed communities were created.  Officers confirmed that this request could be taken back to the applicant.  The Head of Planning Services stated that the applicant’s view was that where there were two bedrooms and a small third room, these dwellings could be utilised as a two bedroom property.  Concerns continued to be raised about the housing mix and the size of some of the units, with the view being made that permission was being sought for - in this case  - three bed dwellings – a design type which was not fit for purpose.  The Chief Planning Officer advised that the current situation of two adequate sized bedrooms and one smaller room had existed for decades, but with the introduction of new space standards; once these were adopted, the size of new dwellings would need to be in line with these standards.  In terms of housing mix, there was a long-term vision and that whilst there was a desire to see a mix across all sites, the policy stated that on larger sites, adjustments should be considered to meet local housing needs.  The importance of adopting the national space standards in Leeds was stressed by Panel

·  the revisions to the house numbers being provided, with circa 180 units being proposed at outline stage and whether the objections relating to impacts on nursery and school places had been fully taken into account in view of there now being 219 dwellings proposed.  The Panel was advised that the submission of a transport assessment had shown that higher numbers of dwellings could be accommodated on site and that primary and secondary education contributions would come through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).  Concerns were also raised that Panel had indicated that on major housing applications, information on education provision would be provided

·  the lack of reference to the Leeds Standard and that consideration should be given to this.  The Head of Planning Services agreed to have this discussion with the applicant and provide feedback through the Chair

The Panel considered how to proceed

RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate the application to the Chief

Planning Officer for approval, subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report and the resolution of the outstanding matters relating to the south-west corner of the site; checking of the layout by Highways, including the parking layout; confirmation that Yorkshire Water was satisfied with the revised layout plan and further discussions on the housing mix and standard, and in consultation with Ward Members



  Under Council Procedure Rule 16.4. Councillor R Procter required it to be recorded that she voted against this matter


  Under Council Procedure Rule 16.4, Councillor G Latty required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on this matter


  Following consideration of this matter, Councillor Gruen left the meeting

Supporting documents: