Agenda item

Application 15/04630/FU - Part demolition and new build extension to form a 1020 student place school - Former East Leeds Leisure Centre Neville Road LS15

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for part demolition and new build extension to former Leisure Centre to form a 1020 student place school (4-16 years)


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented a report which sought approval for part demolition and extension to the former East Leeds Leisure Centre to form a 1020 student place through school

  Details relating to access; layout; design; changes in land levels across the site and how these would be dealt with were outlined to Members.  The extent of the protected trees on the site was highlighted and whilst many of these would be retained, there would be some tree loss, which the Council’s Tree Officer had considered and had not objected to

  The parking arrangements were presented, with 96 staff and visitor parking spaces on site, together with drop-off areas for both primary and secondary pupils.  In the case of the primary drop-off point, this was located within the multi-use games area (MUGA)

  Members were informed there were currently 60 pupils being taught on the site, with these numbers rising to 1020 by 2021; that whilst the development would impact on the highway network, this had to be balanced against the need for this brownfield site to be redeveloped and the high demand for school places in this area

  The Panel discussed the application, with the main issues being raised relating to:

·  the two MUGAs being provided; their size and the range of sports they would cater for.  It was stated that the size complied with the requirements of Sport England, with football; basketball and touch rugby all being capable of being played, together with use as a general play area

·  vehicular access to the school and residents’ parking with the need to avoid issues which had occurred at Roundhay School.  The Panel’s Highways representative advised that in terms of traffic management, this was controlled by condition and would include a review of the situation, post occupation

·  the closure of the leisure centre and the loss of a much needed asset in the local community.  Members were informed that the school would provide the opportunity for use by the community outside of school hours, particularly the sporting facilities it offered, with this being supported by local Ward Members.  A detailed discussion took place relating to the proposed community use in respect of hours of use; the range of groups and activities which would be accommodated and the parking arrangements for this out of hours use.  The need for conditions relating to community use was stressed

·  the level of staff parking being provided with concerns this was insufficient.  The Panel’s Highways representative was of the view that staff parking had been well catered for in the scheme and that the site was located in a well-connected area which benefitted from several routes towards the site

·  the level of play space being provided for the planned school numbers.  The Presenting Officer explained that in addition to the formal play areas there would be informal play spaces provided and that in terms of the size of the school and its facilities, it complied with the guidance contained within Design Bulletin 103, produced by the Education Funding Authority

The Panel considered how to proceed.  Whilst some concerns about

room sizes and play areas remained, it was noted that Ward Members -, one of whom had been a long serving Member of the Panel -  were supporting the scheme

  RESOLVED -  That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report; an additional condition relating to the community use of the building, to include information about the range of uses and numbers and for this condition to be discharged in consultation with Ward Members.  In terms of traffic management, a condition to be added for a traffic survey to be undertaken and details to be submitted for consideration, together with a scheme of remedial measures to be implemented if required and for a further report to be brought to Panel on the traffic implications arising from the development, within six months from the occupation of the extended school.



Supporting documents: