Agenda item

Application 15/06583/OT Land Between Barrowby Lane and Manston Lane, Thorpe Park, LS15

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for variation of conditions 3 (approved plans), 4 (total quantum of development/uses) and 49 (uses not permitted) of approval 15/02217/OT to allow a cinema use and submission of amended parameter plans.


Report Attached.


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which proposed a variation of conditions 3 (approved plans), 4 (total quantum of development/uses) and 49 (uses not permitted) of approval 15/02217/OT, to allow a cinema use, and submission of amended parameter plans to land between Barrowby Lane and Manston Lane, Thorpe Park, Leeds 15.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The outstanding sequential / impact assessment information had been provided and assessed and was considered acceptable;

·  That a typographical error within the submitted report at paragraph 1.5 should state the cinema use class as D2;

·  naturally seeding trees had now been cleared;

·  the archaeological recording was on-going and that it was gradually moving westwards across the site;

·  Coal extraction had taken place and so far 40,000 tonnes had been removed;

·  Confirmation that the Manston Lane Link Road (MLLR) work was due to start in the second quarter of 2016 with a 12 month construction programme so it should be delivered by the middle of 2017;

·  Details of the two speculative office developments on the site were outlined to Members with confirmation that construction of the first office block would begin on 4th January 2016, once this block was occupied work would begin on the second office block;

·  The building of the second office block would trigger the completion of  “Green Park” which would include sports facilities and green space;

·  The construction of the cinema would be made possible by a reduction in the amount of floor space available for hotel use. It was confirmed to Members that the cinema would be a 12 screen format with 2,000 seats which would be large enough to interest the larger national operators;

·  Confirmation was given to Members that the site was now clear.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following were discussed:


·  The possible detrimental effect on other shopping areas in East Leeds such as Cross Gates. Members were informed that this development brought “something different” to the area and that the type of retailers expected were not the same as found in Cross Gates. It was confirmed that consideration would be given to the impact on other local centres. Members stressed the importance of high quality retailers being attracted to the development and the East Leeds area;


·  Public transport infrastructure of the area - It was noted that there was no railways station nearby and it was suggested that it could often be difficult getting buses from the Swillington area to Cross Gates. Officers present confirmed that they had no update on a possible rail Link. Members confirmed that the East Leeds Regeneration Board had recently re-stated a desire for public transport links to the scheme. Members were of the view that rail links were integral to the area and to this application


·  The employment of local people was considered. Members sought to establish what discussions had taken place with the developer. It was confirmed that the developer was being pro-active in ensuring local people were considered for employment opportunities within the development.


The Committee expressed satisfaction with the variation to the original application and that the development including the cinema would be welcomed in East Leeds. Members commented that they would look forward to seeing measurable progress of the development taking place on site.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to:


(i)  The expiry of the publicity period on 08/01/16 and referral of the application to the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation)(England) Direction 2009 as a departure from the Statutory Development Plan; with the inclusion of the suggested conditions in Appendix 1 of the submitted report (and any others which he might consider appropriate); the submission of a revised travel plan, and; a deed of variation to the existing Section 106 agreement to cover the terms of the original agreement; and


(ii)  In the event of the Section 106 not been completed within 3 months of the determination of the Secretary of State to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.



Supporting documents: