Agenda item

Applications 15/05230/FU and 15/05231/FU - Land adjacent to Flower Court, Burley Lane, Horsforth

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a residential development of 11 older persons flats.



The reports of the Chief Planning officer presented applications for the erection of a block of 11 older persons flats and two semi-detached houses at Flower Court, Horsforth, Leeds.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on the applications.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the applications included the following:


·  The site was currently an amenity space and was in an overgrown state.

·  There was existing older person’s residential accommodation adjacent to the site.

·  Gateposts to the site would be incorporated into a new boundary wall.

·  Car parking for the flats would lie between the flats and proposed houses.  There would be 17 spaces for the flats.

·  Design principals would be similar to nearby terraced properties.

·  Natural materials would be used – stone and slate.

·  The houses would both have two parking spaces.

·  The design proposals were sympathetic to the conservation area.

·  Distances between the proposed buildings and existing properties complied with guidance.

·  Some tress on the site would be lost but these were felt to be of poor quality.  There would be a management plan to maintain the remaining trees.

·  The Panel was made aware of representations from local residents and Ward Members.

·  It was recommended to approve both applications.


A local resident addressed the Panel with objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  The loss of greenspace in a conservation area.

·  The height of the proposed flats was 2 metres higher than existing properties and would have an overbearing appearance.

·  Windows and gardens of existing properties would be overlooked.

·  The proposals did not fit within the conservation area.

·  In response to questions from Members the following as discussed:

o  The site was currently used by dog walkers.

o  The site could be turned into a usable community space.

o  Part of the site was currently used for Horsforth in Bloom.

o  Residents were surprised to see proposals to develop the site.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following issues were highlighted:


·  There was a need for affordable social housing in the locality with over 2,000 outstanding applications in Horsforth.

·  The applicant understood resident’s concerns regarding the loss of greenspace and there would be a proposal to incorporate a usable greenspace within the boundary of the site.  There would be an opportunity for local residents to be involved with the proposals for this.

·  In response to Member’s questions, the following was discussed:

o  The flats would be aimed at people over 55 years of age.  The houses would be more general needs and suitable for families.

o  The flat sizes met guidance. If the roof of the flat building were to be lowered than size guidelines would not be met.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Concern regarding parking on local streets – the parking available on site was above the minimum required.

·  Inclusion of a condition for the flats to be let to older persons only.

·  Conditions relating to materials to be used.


RESOLVED – That the applications be deferred to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to agreeing a suitable wording with the applicant to ensure the flats remain as social housing for older persons (i.e. over 55s).


The Chair to be consulted on materials in particular cladding system to rear.



Supporting documents: