Agenda item


To receive a report of the Chief Planning Officer which sets out an outline application for a mixed use redevelopment at Quarry Hill, St Peter’s Street, Leeds, LS2 7UP.




The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out an application for mixed use redevelopment including A1, A3, A4 and A5 Uses, Offices (B1), Residential (C3), Medical Centre (D1), College (D1), Student Residential Accommodation, multi-storey car park, basement car parking, access and open space on land at Quarry Hill.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.



Representatives from Caddick addressed the Panel in relation to the application and highlighted the following issues:


  • That Caddick have been responsible for many high quality developments that have been completed in other cities across the UK and that the company intended to create something special at Quarry Hill;
  • The importance of getting a planning consent in order to progress the scheme;
  • That the development was large scale and would take place over 6 phases, the phasing plan yet to be confirmed. It was noted that this plan was flexible;
  • The central pedestrianized route would be maintained and be a feature of the development;
  • The car parking provision for each of the buildings was explained to Members and it was confirmed that underground parking would form part of the development. There would also be a maximisation of surface parking on the site;
  • There was an agreement in place with Caddick and Leeds City Council for a multi storey car park to be built. However this would not be built unless it was established that it was viable to do so;
  • Contact had been made with educational establishments about possibly using part of the development. Furthermore discussions had also taken place with a student housing operator for one of the plots; and
  • That Caddick were committed to deliver this project and that the development would be a positive one for the City.



In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


  • Details of how the viability would be assessed for the construction of the multi-storey car park and the likelihood of finding an operator to run it;
  • The options for what could be developed if it was found that there was no demand to build a multi-storey carpark. It was confirmed that Planning Permission would have to sought for any development should the multi-storey car park not be built. However it was expected that there would be sufficient demand for parking to build the multi-storey car park;
  • The parking provision for residential parts of the development. It was confirmed that there would be parking provision in place but that not all residential units would be allocated a space. Parking spaces would be optional to either buy or rent.
  • The importance of bringing forward the site in a coherent and timely manner following the strategic master plan that had been presented;
  • The A64 footbridge and the possibility of improving it to allow for good pedestrian and cycle access. It was confirmed to Members that Caddick were under obligation to provide finance for these improvements;
  • Water discharge from the site, and whether, following the site’s construction, it would contribute to the flooding problems Leeds had recently experienced was considered in detail. Officers assured Members that adequate drainage provision would be secured as part of the development through appropriate planning conditions and that any change in policy at the time of implementation would be complied with by the developer. It was confirmed that this site was not in a high risk flood zone;
  • In discussion it was confirmed to the Panel that once construction begins there would be provision made for people to be dropped off outside the West Yorkshire Play House;
  • The relationship of the large DSS building and its visual effect against the new development and surrounding area was discussed. It was confirmed that from certain angles the view of the DSS building would be restricted.


Members were keen for this development to progress quickly and were pleased with both the design and layout presented.





That the application be approved  in principle and that the final decision be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to specified conditions outlined in the appendix at the end of the submitted report (and such other conditions as he may consider appropriate) and following the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following:


(a)  Requirement for public access to and maintenance of all routes through the scheme and public spaces;

(b)  The provision of on-site Affordable Housing (5% of the total number of units to be provided on site, 40% of these to meet the needs of households on the lower quartile of earnings and 60% of these to meet the needs of households on the lower decile of earnings)

(c)  Travel Plan initiatives:


i) £34,000 for free trial car club membership package for residents and staff

ii) Provision of 3no. car club parking spaces

iii) £10,210 Travel Plan Review fee


(d)  Up-grading of bus stop on York Rd to include real time display (£20,000)

(e)   Money for off-site highway works £213,765 – for improvements to junctions and crossings;

(f)   Management and pricing strategy for Multi Storey Car Park;

(g)  Safety improvement works to the footbridge over the A64(M) (£50,000); and

(h)  Local Employment Initiatives together with such ancillary clauses as the Chief Legal Officer shall consider appropriate.



Supporting documents: