Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence for Unit 29, Leeds Dock 1 The Boulevard, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 1PZ

To consider the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration for an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by Clarence Dock LLP, for Unit 29 - Leeds Dock 1 The Boulevard, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 1PZ. The application was first heard on the 22nd December 2015.  The licensing Sub-Committee resolved to adjourn the hearing until 2nd February 2016 to allow for further information to be provided regarding noise attenuation and to allow members of the Sub-Committee to undertake a site visit.


(Report attached)


This was an application for the grant of a premises licence for the Unit 29, Leeds Dock, 1 The Boulevard, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 1PZ. The application had first been heard on 22nd December 2015. The Licensing Sub-Committee resolved to adjourn the meeting until 2nd February 2016 to allow for further information to be provided by the applicant regarding noise attenuation and to allow Members of the Sub-Committee to undertake a site visit to consider further the number of complaints raised in relation to a number of Temporary Events and to consider the change of use application. Minute 124 refers


Members of the Licensing Sub-Committee had attended a site meeting on the morning of the hearing.


The Licensing Officer presented a brief overview of the application to the Licensing Sub-Committee


In response to a request from Members clarification to the position of McClure House in relation to the proposed premises on the map at Appendix B of the submitted report. 


The applicant’s representative thanked Members for their visit to the premises.


He informed Members that the applicant had met with the Environmental Health Officer who had carried out sound tests in the apartments above the premises and was satisfied that the sound from the premises would not cause noise nuisance.


Members were informed that the Estate Manager had submitted a statement on 21st January 2016 in response to the representations received against the proposed premises.  Minute 134 refers


The statement explained the measures that had been taken by the applicant in relation to concerns raised at the previous hearing.


At the previous hearing, dates had been provided by the objectors of when complaints had been made in relation to noise nuisance. The statement addressed these dates providing information on the events, opening and closing times of the premises on those dates to show that the nuisance could not be attributed to the premises.


Members were informed that the applicant had carried out a survey which showed that a number of people wanted some premises like the proposed premises in the area.


The applicant explained to the Sub-Committee how they had worked with the people of the area to build up a proper community feeling, holding book clubs, quiz nights and had board games including some for children to provide a family atmosphere to the bar.


The applicant said that they had received good feedback from local residents who had attended the events and the company wished to continue working with the community.


Temporary Event Notices (TEN’s) had been used in order to hold some of the events at the premises.


The Licensing Officer clarified that TEN’s had been applied for and used without complaints.


The applicant’s representative informed the Members that amendments had been made in relation to:

·  the sale of alcohol from 09:00 to 23:00 with 30 minutes dispersal every day the applicant had  reduce the hours applied for so that all activities finished at 23:00 every day with the exception of New Year’s Eve which would be until 02:00.

·  the application was for films until 23:30

·  live and recorded music elements withdrawn

·  noise attenuation measures agreed with Environmental Protection Team


RESOLVED – That the Premises Licence be granted as per amendments by variation submitted by the applicant on 22nd December 2015

Supporting documents: