Agenda item

PREAPP/1500743 - Allerton House, Pelham Place Chapel Allerton, Leeds

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer for a pre-application to demolish existing building (class B), erection of Aldi (A1), parking, landscaping, associated works at Allerton House, Pelham Place, Chapel Allerton, Leeds.


(Report attached)


The purpose of the report was to inform Members of a forthcoming proposal for the development of a previously developed site located in Chapel Allerton town centre. The site had previously been the subject of planning permission for a Morrison’s foodstore who had decided not to pursue the development.


Officers gave a brief introduction to Panel of the proposal and set out the main issue of the siting of the store as set out in the submitted report.


Representatives of ALDI and their consultants presented their proposals to the Plans Panel.


Members were informed of the following:

·  Consultation undertaken with residents and local retailers

·  Creation of 50 local jobs

·  The store would be located to the rear of the site with the car parking to the front to reduce issues of theft and anti-social behaviour

·  77 car parking spaces

·  Car parking would not be limited to customers of Aldi but for use by visitors to local shops, amenities and business

·  The store would open between 8am until 10pm

·  After local consultation the preferred building materials were stone in keeping with Yorkshire Bank nearby

·  Transport assessments had been carried out including pedestrian access

·  Store would be open during 2017


The Panel were shown three design options.


The Panel heard from Ian Collins on behalf of Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Plan (CANPLAN) he expressed concerns in relation to:

·  The demolition of Allerton House

·  The use of the site for Aldi for solely retail

·  The existing building could be used for mixed use including residential, retail and business. He explained to the Panel that he was an architect and had looked at this site as a potential mixed use scheme

·  Requested that Members not be influenced by previous application

·  A survey by the Chapel Allerton Residents Association showed that 85% of those surveyed did not want an Aldi  on this site


The Panel in answering the questions raised within the officer report confirmed the principle of a retail development on the site was acceptable, and that they were satisfied that the layout presented by Aldi (i.e. store to the rear) was appropriate in urban design terms provided that an improved interface with the public realm was brought forward which could include improved landscaping.  Also, that the boundary wall is high quality with stone required and that Members expressed a preference for the 3rd option (stone with pitched slate roof) in terms of the design of the store.


Panel also confirmed that the developers should provide a pedestrian refuge at the access road and that additional contributions should be sought towards improvements to the public realm for the benefit of Chapel Allerton town centre through a S106 Agreement.  There was a question mark as to whether 77 car parking spaces was enough on the site but that a car park management plan would be required – the provision of car parking which was free for shoppers and which would act as a town centre car park was welcomed but there would need to be restrictions on the length of use to prevent it becoming a commuter long stay car park.

Supporting documents: