Agenda item

Application for the grant of a premises licence for Best Kebab 48 & 50 Westgate, Otley, LS21 3AS

To consider the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration for an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by Mr Sajid Khan, for Best Kebab 48 & 50 Westgate, Otley, LS21 3AS.


(Report attached)


This was an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by Mr Sajid Khan, for Best Kebab at 48 & 50 Westgate, Otley, LS21 3AS



This application had received representations from responsible authorities being West Yorkshire Police Appendix C of submitted report and Environmental Protection Team Appendix D of the submitted report.


Representations had also been received from a resident and two ward councillors.


The applicant had applied for late night refreshment as outlined at 3.2 of the submitted report. However, the applicant had agreed measures with Environmental Protection Team prior to the hearing a letter was circulated to all parties. The applicant agreed to the measures listed and the operation times as follows:

·  Sunday to Thursday 23:00 – 00:00 midnight

·  Friday and Saturday 23:00 – 00:30am


Mr Khan informed the Members that he wished to open the premises later to be in line with the pubs and clubs in the area.


West Yorkshire Police (WYP) attended the hearing. They informed the Sub-Committee that they would like CCTV to be installed at the premises.


 WYP informed the Sub-Committee of the applicant’s previous premises which had recorded incidents of fighting, arguments and theft from the premises, WYP explained that CCTV supported the venue and the owners.


 Ward Councillor Campbell had attended the hearing and made representation on the grounds of public nuisance. He informed Members that the premises were located close to residential areas. He informed the Committee that he had received information about the reduction in hours and supported the WYP in the installation of CCTV at the premises. If all conditions agreed he said that he would withdraw his representation.


WYP informed the Sub-Committee that if the applicant agreed to CCTV at the premises they would also withdraw representation.


The applicant agreed to the installation of CCTV at the premises.


RESOLVED - That the Licensing Sub-Committee granted the Premises Licence on the basis of reduced hours opening agreed with Environmental Protection Team as outlined at Appendix D of the submitted report and the measures outlined including the installation of CCTV at Appendix C of the submitted report.

Supporting documents: