Agenda item

Application 16/01275/DTM - Great Preston Snooker and Sports Club, Berry Lane, Great Preston, LS26

The report of the Chief Planning Officer is for determination for 15M monopole with three antennas, two dishes and three detached cabinets at Great Preston Snooker and Sports Club, Berry Lane, Great Preston, LS26.


(Report attached)


This was a determination application brought to North and East Plans Panel, as a previous application for a 10m high monopole mast near to the site had been considered and refused by the former East Plans Panel.


As this was an application for Prior Approval the council only had a limited amount of time to consider it.


This was an application for a determination under Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 as to whether the prior approval of the local planning authority is required for the erection of 15m shrouded monopole to support 3no. telecommunications antennae. Two dishes each 300mm in diameter are also proposed on the monopole at a height of 10m. A total of 4 ground based equipment cabinets and 1 final cabinet. All structures would be painted green to blend in with the local agricultural land.


Plans and photographs were shown at the meeting.


Members were informed of the following;

·  The proposed siting of the monopole was to be at the western side of the cricket ground.

·  No objections raised by Sport England.

·  Current coverage in the area and proposed coverage if mast erected

·  Site is close to a public footpath

·  Financial implications for club

·  Alternative sites deemed less sensitive

·  Application was accompanied by an International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP) declaration which confirms the installation complies with the relevant public exposure guidelines for radio transmitters

·  Schools located nearby


Members were also informed that a letter of support had been sent with the application from the Great Preston Snooker and Sports Club


Two emails and one call had been received and Ward Councillor Mark Dobson had raised concerns in relation to;

·  visual impact of mast upon outlook from neighbouring properties and the impact upon property value;

·  potential health impacts due to the use of the site by children and the proximity to schools

·  request for alternative locations to be look at

·  potential for vandalism to the installation


One letter of support had been received.


Members were informed that officers now considered that the application should be refused for reasons relating to its siting and harm to the openness and amenities of the Green Belt.


Agent Richard Morison was present at the meeting and addressed the Panel informing them that the mast would be of dual benefit for the area offering greater telephone coverage for the area and also financial benefit for the sports club to sustain operation of the club into the future. He said that there were no health implications and reiterated the fact that a certificate had been gained from ICNIRP.


He explained that the previous application in 2007 had sited the mast closer to the club building.


He also said that the applicant would be willing to share the mast with other operators.


Members questioned the proposal to site the mast in that location, highlighting the concerns of local residents and parents of children using the sports facilities.


Mr Morison said that letters had been sent to ward councillors and schools in the area but no response had been received.


Members noted the comments of the ward councillor that the site of the mast was in the wrong place and alternative area such as Kippax should be explored.


RESOLVED –Members resolved that the application should be refused for reasons relating to the siting of the mast and harm to the openness and amenity of the Green Belt.



Supporting documents: