Agenda item

Application 15/04158/FU - Garage Site adjacent to 11 St Ann's Lane, Burley, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of garages and erection of attached pair of semi-detached dwellings with associated amenity space.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the demolition of garages and erection of attached pair of semi-detached houses with associated amenity space at 11 St Ann’s Lane, Burley, Leeds.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this item.


Issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The site was a triangular piece of land fronted by 5 garages that would be demolished.  The garages were not currently in use.

·  Properties to the west of the site were partly in ownership of the applicant and to the east was a section of terraced housing.

·  Access arrangements for the site were explained.

·  Members were shown the changes in levels between the Coach House building and the site and the proximity to the nearest residential properties and gardens.

·  The proposed amenity space complied with Neighbourhoods for Living guidelines.

·  Parking arrangements.

·  Materials to be used.


A local resident addressed the Panel with objections to the application.  These included the following.


·  There had been significant public opposition to the application and revisions to the original application had not addressed previous concerns.

·  Main concerns focussed on the height of the proposed dwellings, their proximity to existing dwellings and the impact on local residents.

·  The area already suffered due to high number of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and anti-social behaviour.

·  Concern regarding the loss of trees and the loss of a Sycamore Tree that was recently removed.

·  Concern regarding the loss of daylight and overshadowing to existing properties.

·  It was felt that bungalows would be a more suitable proposal as they would not have as much impact on overshadowing and proximity to existing properties.


The applicant and the architect of the proposals addressed the Panel.  The applicant informed the Panel that he operated his business from the Coach House building which supported blind people to travel.  It was felt that the proposals would enhance the quality of the area and account had been taking of advice from planning officers and concerns of the local community. The architect accepted that the proposals would alter the setting of the area but the proposals had followed Neighbourhoods for Living guidelines and the impact on existing residential properties was within levels of acceptability.  The proposals would be of an innovative design and while it was understood why there was concern from existing residents it was felt that the quality of design and use of materials would be an improvement.


In response to comments and questions from Members, the following was discussed:


·  Impact of overshadowing – Members were shown diagrams that demonstrated overshadowing at different times of the day and year.

·  The proposals would fit in with the character of stone buildings in the area and the extension to the Coach House building.

·  Concern regarding the height of the proposed dwellings and that they were 2.5 storeys.  It was reported that this was due to the roof space being used as a bedroom.  The proposed dwellings would be set in a sunken area of the site and would not appear to be 2.5 storeys from elsewhere.

·  There would be 6 parking spaces.

·  Gardens would be provided for the 2 new properties and would meet guidelines in relation to size.

·  Members broadly supported the design of the dwellings but felt that the site was not large enough to accommodate them and would cause too much of an impact on nearby properties.  It was suggested that the application be deferred to allow the opportunity of further revising the proposals to lessen impact on existing properties.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred for one cycle for further discussions with the applicant to reduce massing/dominance of 2.5 storey element.



Supporting documents: