Agenda item

16/01182/FU - Construction of A1 foodstore Land off Pelham Place, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, LS7

Members are asked to consider the report of the Chief Officer on the demolition of existing building and construction of a Class A1 food store together with car parking, landscaping public realm and associated works at land off Pelham Place, Chapel Allerton Leeds, LS7 3PD.


(Report attached)


The Panel had received a pre-application presentation at the meeting held on 4th February 2016. Minute 152 refers


At the meeting on the 4th February 2016 Members agreed that the principle of a retail based development on this site was still acceptable and that the building located towards the rear of the site, and a design that was option 3 as part of Aldi’s presentation, were considered acceptable principles in moving this site forward for development.


Members were informed that objections had been received from Ward Councillors with Councillor Rafique referring to an in principle objection. However, concerns have been expressed in separate correspondence over the means of access in particular in relation to school children walking to and from St Matthews C of E Primary School.


There had also been an objection from the Chair of Governors from St Matthews C of E relating to the same issue. They are of the opinion that some form of priority should be given to pedestrians. Officers are of the opinion that the safe-guards already negotiated, the inclusion of a pedestrian refuge along with the provisions of a crossing for Harrogate Road are sufficient to meet this.


Members were informed that 136 actual objections had been received and one standard letter of support had been received signed by 104 supporters.


Members noted a change to the recommendation to delete the last entry under section 106 agreement details referring to a commuted sum payment for the maintenance of public realm sitting of area adjacent to Yorkshire Bank and insert a condition requiring a detailed management plan for the future of this area.


Mr Collins a Member of CANPLAN attended the meeting informing the Panel of the following:

·  There had been no contact from planners

·  The area had been identified as a conservation area

·  The application had split the community

·  The proposed building although single storey would be 10 metres high

·  The building would not add to the street scene

·  Previous application by Morrisons supermarket had been refused because they had sought to build the rear of the site.


Mr B Taylor then addressed the Panel informing them that he had lived in Chapel Allerton for a number of years and as far as he was aware no local traders had made any objections. He said that there was plenty of parking and extra spaces would be better as they could be used by customers visiting the local shops.


Mr Ward was of the view that the new layout of the road would be better although he still waited for clarification of some aspects. He said that he realised that the area was classed as a conservation area but Chapel Allerton was not a Yorkshire Village.


In response to Members questions the Panel was informed that parking would be restricted to 2-3 hours but open for use after the store had closed.


Members were shown where the access point was in relation to the primary school and were informed that an addition crossing could be installed.


Members discussed the impact on character of conservation area, highways layout, parking, and design of building.


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer as set out in the submitted report with the following amendments:

·  The clause in the Section 106 Agreement in respect of a commuted sum for highways works and maintenance (in respect of public open space provision) to be deleted.

·  A condition to be added to require details of a scheme for the design, delivery and maintenance of public open space to be submitted for approval

Supporting documents: