Agenda item

16/01124/FU - Demolition of existing outbuilding, conversion of existing buildings to two dwellings with associated parking and landscaping at 29 Gledhow Lane, Gledhow, LS8

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application to demolish existing outbuildings and the conversion of existing commercial properties to create two residential dwellings at 29 Gledhow Lane, LS8.


(Report attached)


The application to demolish existing outbuildings and the conversion of existing buildings with associated parking and landscaping at 29 Gledhow Lane, had previously been to Panel on 1st October 2015. Minute 71 refers.


It was noted that Housing Standards listed at 10.15 of the submitted report was to be deleted as the proposed 2 units exceeded the standard space requirements.


Members were informed that the application sought permission for the conversion of buildings currently in use for light industrial purposes to 2 dwellings. The previous application had sought 3 dwellings but the application had been refused on grounds of over development.


The application had been revised and Members were informed of the following changes:

·  2 dwellings instead of 3

·  Larger amenity space

·  More car parking spaces per property

·  No windows to the roof of the dwellings which over-look the property at the rear


It was noted that 33 Gledhow Lane may previously have used the forecourt for parking but had no rights to use the forecourt and would have to park on the street.


Members were informed that the applicant would send letters to the current tenants informing them of the plans for the site. He would offer a 4 month period of notice with 1 month free rent. In addition to this he would assist in locating new low cost premises for them and provide references to new landlords.


Photographs and plans of the proposed development were provided at the meeting.


During this item the Chair indicated that he was unwell and left the meeting at 2:20pm.


The Panel proceeded to nominate a new Chair. Cllr. Hamilton proposed Cllr. S McKenna to Chair with Cllr. J Procter seconding the nomination.


Cllr. S McKenna was elected to Chair for the duration of the meeting.


This item reconvened at 2.30pm with Cllr. G Hussain speaking against the application.


Cllr. Hussain drew Members attention to 6.2 of the submitted report which highlighted 20 letters of objections. The main points of concern were;

·  Loss of 5 businesses

·  The site is in a conservation area

·  The neighbours were trying to get the buildings listed as they were of historical interest.

·  The proposed dwellings were small

·  The proposed dwellings had no windows or proper ventilation from the kitchens.

·  Proposed parking spaces too small

·  Custom and practice of 33 Gledhow Lane to park on the forecourt


Chris Atchison the agent for the applicant informed the Panel that, negotiations had taken place with planning officers, highways, and conservation officers. In light of these negotiations and taking into account the Panels comments the application had been revised with the smaller of the properties being removed.


He informed the Panel that sun tunnels would be used to provide light instead of roof lights to the rear.


To combat the issue of flooding there would be a mix of hard and soft landscaping. The developers would seek to improve the drainage and would provide all drainage information prior to starting any works.


In response to Members questions the Panel were informed that the applicant has worked with the tenants and neighbours. Mr Atchison said that the tenants had been formally notified when the plans were submitted. He also said that should the plans be successful the work would not commence for 12 months due to the applicants prior commitments. At the start of works the tenants would be given a notice period of 4 months to re-locate.


The Highways officer informed the Panel that commercial use currently means more cars in the vicinity therefore it would be better for the site to be residential with associated parking.


Members discussed the proposals taking into consideration all the points put to the Panel.


RESOLVED – That the Members resolved to grant permission subject to the specified conditions set out in the submitted report.



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