Agenda item

Council Tax Support Scheme

To consider a report from the Head of Scrutiny Support presenting draft terms of reference for the Board’s forthcoming review into the development of a revised Council Tax Support Scheme.


The report of the Head of Scrutiny Support presented draft terms of reference relating to the Board’s forthcoming inquiry into the development of a revised Council Tax Support scheme.  In accordance with this, the Board received a presentation from the Chief Officer (Welfare and Benefits) on the main issues surrounding the Council Tax Support scheme and the development of an alternative scheme that utilises the Universal Credit needs assessment.  The Board also discussed the processes linked to the formal public consultation surrounding proposed changes to the scheme.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  Councillor Debra Coupar, Executive Member for Communities

·  Steve Carey, Chief Officer Welfare and Benefits

·  Jane McManus, Project Manager, Council Tax Support

·  Alison France, Employer and Partnerships Manager (Leeds), Jobcentre Plus

·  Simon Betts – Partnership Manager (Leeds), Jobcentre Plus


The following key areas were discussed by the Board:


·  The potential implications and costs associated with not reforming the current Council Tax Support scheme.

·  The potential benefits of simplifying the current scheme that utilises the Universal Credit needs assessment.

·  An overview of what people pay now and what they would pay under the new scheme.

·  The general characteristics of those that would gain and lose out under the new scheme.

·  An overview of existing protections currently in place and associated costs for maintaining these protections. It was also acknowledged that the number of protected claimants has continued to increase since first introduced in 2013 (from 13,286 to 21,793).

·  The potential for reviewing existing protections and introducing a discretionary hardship scheme.  It was noted that this would be considered in more detail as part of the Board’s inquiry.

·  The Board requested further clarification surrounding the transitional options available and also the potential impact of the Government’s announcement to delay completion of the Universal Credit roll out.

·  The need for greater clarity and publicity to help increase take up of Pension Credit.  Clarification was also sought surrounding plans to move Housing Benefit claims into Pension Credit.

·  The potential implications surrounding plans for devolved business rates.

·  Reference was made to the Devolution arrangements with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, which includes additional funding and powers to assist people back into work.  Linked to this, the Board sought clarification of current initiatives aimed at improving the integration of local services that will assist more people into work.

·  It was noted that the public consultation exercise relating to the revised Council Tax Support scheme would be undertaken over the next 2-3 months.  This was being targeted at those likely to be affected by the changes and would also involve all Elected Members and the relevant advice agencies.

·  Members recognised the importance of ensuring that the messages are kept simple as part of the consultation exercise and that the main focus is around gauging opinion about simplifying the scheme and the potential for revising the current scheme of protections.



(a)  That the report and presentation be noted.

(b)  That the terms of reference for the Board’s Inquiry into the development of a revised Council Tax Support scheme be approved.

(c)  That the Principal Scrutiny Adviser, in liaison with the Chair, identifies and communicates details of future evidence gathering sessions linked to this inquiry.


(Councillor N Walshaw left the meeting at 11.05 am during the consideration of this item)


(Councillor K Wakefield left the meeting at 11.10 am during the consideration of this item)


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