Agenda item

PREAPP/15/00494 Proposed new multi-disciplinary Physics and Computing building, The Old Mining Building, University Of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2.

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer setting out details of a pre application presentation for a proposed new multi-disciplinary Physics and Computing building, The Old Mining Building, University Of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members of a pre-application presentation for a proposed new multi-disciplinary Physics and Computing building, The Old Mining Building, University Of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2.


A site visit took place prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on this pre-application.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel. Issues highlighted in relation to the proposals included the following;


·  An introduction which included details of the emerging proposals for the Schools of Physics and Computing, including a new combined research centre (the Bragg Centre). The proposal, referred to as the North East Quarter development forms a key part of the university’s masterplan to develop and improve facilities across the campus.

·  The provision of a next generation research facility

·  A development that was complex and ambitious.

·  The development was in a conservation area and one of the buildings was Grade 2 listed.

·  Information in respect of the existing site and surroundings.

·  Detail with regard to the sites relevant planning history.

·  Details of consultations that had taken place to date and the responses.

·  They would like the facility to be open in Autumn 2019.


In response to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  Concerns about the views ‘up the road’ from the City and how that would be framed.

·  The potential to provide greater visual interest to the gable end of the new building to Woodhouse Lane.

·  The need for buildings to be contemporary

·  How the atrium would fit and its functionality

·  The public realm and the need for this to not be an after-thought.

·  A great deal of discussion took place on the old mining building and there was mixed views amongst Members on the proposed proportion and design of the roof top extension, some members liked the additional level extension which was predominantly glass, other Members felt that in principle an extension was acceptable but not in the current design which some Members felt appeared overly bulky and did not compliment the existing building it sat on.


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;

·  Members considered that the proposed development was acceptable in principle.

·  Members in considering the rooftop extension felt that it was acceptable in principle, however there was a split view of Members on the design, and it was agreed that an alternate design should be looked at , possibly with less glass.

·  Members considered that the form and the appearance of the proposed new building and linked atrium to the rear of the old mining building school was acceptable.

·  Members in considering materials advised that before offering comment on the use of reconstituted stone they would have liked to have seen a sample and asked for the consideration of the reuse of any Portland stone that was available on site.

·  Members were satisfied with the intended phased approach to the redesign of the space to the front of the Old Mining building.

·  Members agreed that this matter should be brought back to Panel for determination.



RESOLVED – To note the details of the pre-application and thanked the developers for their attendance.



Councillor P Gruen and Councillor R Procter left the meeting during discussion of the above item at 17.00.

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