Agenda item

Mews - Application to vary a Premises Licence - "Mews", 16 Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds LS22 6NQ

To consider the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration on application to vary an existing premises licence, made by Market Town Taverns Limited, for Mews, 16 Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NQ


The Sub Committee considered the report of the Head of Elections, Licensing and Registration on an application to vary an existing premises Licence at the premises known as Mews, 16 Bank Street, Wetherby. The application sought to add an additional hour onto the hours for sale of alcohol, with the terminal hour being midnight throughout the week, to remove and amend conditions attached to the operating schedule, to make some structural changes and to permit the opening of the premises from 09:00 daily (but not to increase alcohol sales from 09:00 hours)


The application had attracted representations from the Responsible Authorities and local residents. At the start of the hearing, the Licensing Officer advised that the applicant had reached agreements with LCC Environmental Protection Team (EPT) and LCC Health & Safety team over measures to address the licensing objectives. These representations had been withdrawn on the understanding that the amended conditions would be attached to the new premises licence, should this application be granted. Representations received from local residents remained, and as none of the members of the public who had submitted a representation attended the hearing, the Sub Committee resolved to proceed in their absence and take their representations into account during deliberations.


Ms M Hazelwood of John Gaunt & Partners attended the hearing to represent the applicant – Market Town Taverns Limited. Mr A Levine, the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) was also present.


Ms Hazlewood confirmed that the applicants operated 15 – 20 premises nationwide. She provided information on the style of operation of the premises – as a traditional public house in Wetherby – which had recently undergone refurbishment. She explained that the application stemmed from wanting to expand the repertoire of the premises, by the introduction of a new menu and capturing the breakfast trade. There was no intention to increase alcohol sales from 09:00 hours. Ms Hazlewood noted that there had been no objections to the proposed change to the layout of the premises.


In respect of possible noise and disturbance, Ms Hazelwood advised that the applicants had considered local residents’ objections to the proposal to extend the use of the beer garden until 00:00 and had now withdrawn that part of the application. She also clarified the circumstances behind one incident when a complaint had been made to the DPS of loud voices in the car park following a corporate event when customers were moving on to other premises. The applicants intended to continue to host corporate functions, and to appeal to those customers who prefer craft ales and premium priced spirits.


Additionally, Ms Hazlewood stated that Mr Levine had spoken to the residents of the two flats above the premises about the application and they had not submitted an objection. Mr Levine advised that he had also spoken to residents who lived directly opposite the premises and they had raised two concerns with him – car parking and noise from the use of the beer garden. He noted that their objections remained despite the proposal to extend the hours of use the external area being removed from the application. He also added that staff had been reminded to clear the external area quietly, and this was included in all staff training. In respect of car parking, Ms Hazlewood noted that there was a sign at the junction of Church Street advising it was a private road to deter people parking there, however Wetherby attracted many visitors who did still park there. She noted that none of the residents had ever made a complaint directly to Mr Levine about patrons parking on the street.


The Sub Committee carefully considered the application, representations and comments made at the hearing. Members also noted the agreements reached between the applicant and responsible authorities.

RESOLVED - To grant the application as applied for and the agreed conditions to be incorporated into the operating schedule of the licence.


In conclusion, the Chair commented to the applicant that any noise complaints be investigated, as it would always be open to residents to put in a complaint and to ask for a review should matters not be addressed.


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