Agenda item

Road Casualty Reduction and Initiatives

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which provides an overview of the progress made on the Leeds Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) road casualty reduction programmes and an update on road safety initiatives, including road safety schemes, education and promotion campaigns.




The Director of City Development submitted a report which provided the Scrutiny Board with an overview of the progress made with regard to Leeds Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) Road Casualty Reduction programmes. Updates on road safety initiatives, including road safety schemes, education and promotion campaigns were also provided.


The following information was appended to the report:


·  Appendix 1 – Road Safety Action Plan Update 2016


The following representatives were in attendance to respond to Members

queries and comments:


- Andrew Hall – Head of Transportation (City Development)

- Becky James – Team Leader, Road Safety

- Chief Inspector Mark Jessop – Protective Services, West Yorkshire  Police

- Inspector Nick Berry – Safer Leeds, West Yorkshire Police

- Cllr Richard Lewis - Executive Board Member, Regeneration

  Transport and Planning 



The key areas for discussion were:


·  The impact of the comprehensive spending review on road safety. The Board was advised that this has necessitated a change in the way that road policing is provided. Protective Services have upskilled existing officers so that they are roads policing qualified therefore working smarter with the units available. All officers including PCSO’s are involved in neighbourhood and traffic policing in varying degrees.

·  The funding invested since April 2015 through an initiative called Viper Plus. There will be additional investment in ANPR and additional officers, with who will have traffic skills from April 2017.

·  The use of pro laser speed gun technology and the operation of static speed cameras.  The Board were advised that pro laser is being used effectively and can read speed over a considerable distance. It records the speed at that moment rather than average speed. A replacement programme of static speed cameras is being undertaken where cameras are being replaced with digital technology.

·  Police focus on drivers under the influence of drink or drugs.

·  Concern regarding drivers still using mobiles despite the introduction of increased penalties. The Board was advised of an initiative in Bradford, the potential to use police staff and invest in new technology to enforce traffic law, that car design is removing the need for handset use and the need for a cultural change through education, enforcement and social intervention.

·  Concerns regarding the safety of cyclists due to the increase in activity in the city. The Board was advised of risk reduction through highways design, the education of cyclists and drivers, and the lessons that have been learned in London that could be applied in Leeds. Cycling training is not part of the school curriculum however cycling training is provided in schools in Leeds, usually in years 5 or 6.

·  Cycle superhighway information production and distribution.  The Board was advised of the range of provision for cyclists including advisory cycling lanes. On the A65 and A60 there are promotional initiatives to encourage drivers to take special care when turning.

·  The responsibility of the Highways Authority for highways design, which includes an interactive process with the police and other emergency services in planning processes. The Board was advised that where there have been serious incidents there is analysis of what happened to identify any issues with the highways design.

·  The collection of intelligence and data regarding casualties which enables the identification of risk locations.

·  The role and co-ordination of Neighbourhood Policing Teams in dealing with local speeding issues. 

·  The risks to pedestrians due to parking on the pavement. CI Jessop suggested that there may be an opportunity for analysis of inconsiderate parking as a causation factor. The Board requested that this information be provided. In addition the Board was advised that pedestrian training is provided to children in school.

·  Clarification regarding access to the minutes for the Executive Regional Partnership, Gary Bartlett represents from Leeds City Council.

·  The use of Speed Indicating Devices which are loaned out to community groups or Neighbourhood Policing Teams.

·  The Board requested additional information regarding lengths and sites for concern and the current 20mph zones.

·  CI Jessop invited members of the board to visit the ANPR unit to see it in operation.



RESOLVED – The Scrutiny Board:


a)  noted the information in the report of the Director of City Development.

b)  requested additional information referred to in this minute to be circulated to all members of the Scrutiny Board (City Development)



Supporting documents: