Agenda item

Models of Housing Delivery

To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the implementation activities considered necessary to support the delivery of the LDF. The report provides an update on current delivery and implementation activities and context to the forthcoming commencement of a programme of development briefs to help guide the implementation and delivery of the major sites (and other sites of a locally complex and or sensitive nature) identified within the Local Plan (Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan and Site Allocations Plan). The report seeks consideration and agreement to an initial programme of the preparation of development briefs.


The Panel considered the report of the Director of City Development on implementation activities considered necessary to support the delivery of the Local Development Framework (LDF). The report gave context to the proposed programme of development briefs intended to help guide the implementation and delivery of major sites; and other sites of a locally complex and/or sensitive nature, as identified within the Local Plan (Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan and Site Allocations Plan).


The Team Leader (Major Projects), Policy & Plans Group, presented the report and highlighted the main concerns identified by local residents through previous consultation processes about the release of sites in respect of housing need; housing mix; infrastructure and green infrastructure and local sensitivities. Concerns such as these would be dealt with throughout the Plan process however “development briefs” were now suggested to assist the delivery of those sites; and an initial list of sites were identified in Appendix 1.


The Panel were assured that the local planning authority still sought the release of Brownfield before green sites, however where green sites were proposed; a development brief could ensure concerns about the issues are addressed. Additionally, a map which plotted the sites was tabled at the meeting and a correction was reported to Table 1 to show that HG2-41 (land south of Rawdon Road, Horsforth) was a Phase 1 site (not Phase 2 as stated in the report).


Information was also provided on the following matters:

·  The role of Small and Medium Sized house builder’s (SME’s) role in housing delivery and the need to promote collaboration to continue provision of smaller schemes.

·  The work undertaken on ‘stalled schemes’ and to incentivise bringing Brownfield sites back into use, noting that developers remain less inclined to build on Brownfield

·  The role of the Private Rented Sector (PRS) as an emerging sector in the home building industry

·  The involvement of a number of Neighbourhood Planning Groups interested in the development of Development Briefs and Community engagement was key to success


Additionally officers reported that the Phase 1 release equated to the release of large Green Belt sites (sites over 750 units) – which had raised local concerns. High standard design and delivery, focussing on swift build out, was required to ensure that development complies with the Core Strategy. The report detailed what issues could be considered and explored in a development brief, including quality, viability, commitment to delivery, construction, engagement, Community Infrastructure Levy and technical issues.


During consideration of the proposed approach to development briefs, Members commented on the following:

-  Transport forward planning. Liaison with transport providers earlier in the process was key to provide them with an overview of development proposals to factor into their transport service provision. This would support the Councils’ own focus on sustainable developments

-  Approach to new developments or expansions. Members noted that infrastructure was more easily incorporated into new developments; however expansion of existing settlements was more restrictive with less scope to provide whole new infrastructure

-  Ambitious planning. Development Briefs were an opportunity to emphasis Leeds focus on better ways of living through ambitious developments – with zero emissions, zero carbon footprint, and Passivhaus approach

-  Identified housing needs. To ensure Leeds delivers to the need identified in the Core Strategy – such as one/two bed properties

-  Volume House Building - Disappointment was expressed over those volume housing developers who were in possession of sites earmarked for development/with extant planning permissions but had not commenced development

-  Interventions & approach. Noted that one fixed approach was not suggested – some sites would require a formal Supplementary Planning Document such as East Leeds, others would benefit from a Planning Brief instead, such as Red Hall.


The Panel additionally raised the following matters:

·  Whether development briefs for sites with existing approvals would be appropriate - to facilitate a review of their infrastructure needs and whether there was any appropriate action which could be taken to address those sites with “technical starts” on site, but not actual start of development

·  Whether issues relating to the cumulative impact of development and/or the impact of development on neighbouring areas could be considered though development briefs

·  Role of local ward Councillors in development of planning briefs

·  Officer time – and whether there were enough resources to steer the AVLAAP, the SAP and Core Strategy Review at the same time, noting the response that there was a specific team to focus on the Core Strategy Review

·  requested an update on progress of the creation of the Brownfield Land Register

·  Comment that some of the sites in Table 1 may not be required if the outcome of the Core Strategy Review is to decrease the Leeds housing allocation requirement. Additionally, concern remained that 11 of the 12 sites lay within the greenbelt


(Councillor C Gruen left the meeting at this point)


In conclusion officers reiterated that Ward councillor involvement was key to the success of the development brief approach, with workshops planned to involve statutory bodies, including the NHS and also discussions with external organisations.


a)  That the contents of the report and the comments made by the Panel be noted

b)  That having considered the report, the contents and the initial programme for the preparation of development briefs (as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report) be agreed.


Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Leadley required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on this matter


Supporting documents: