Agenda item

Chair's Update

To receive an update from the Chair on scrutiny activity, not specifically included on this agenda, since the previous Board meeting.


The Chair explained the topic of the last meeting of Environment and Housing Scrutiny Board was around community safety which included ASB, youth offending, begging and CCTV.


It was noted that noise nuisance is still the biggest issue for the Anti Social Behaviour team and the difficulties faced with people not wanting to come forward to give evidence. The Board were informed that noise nuisance has increased by 30% in the last 12 months. There are plans to extend out of hours service to a 24 hours provision.


Youth offending – work is underway to try and prevent young people from going into custody through early intervention to prevent young people entering the criminal justice system as this can be a major impact in their lives for something that may only happen once as a youngster.


Begging has been highlighted as an issue.  It was explained the usual approach is to give dispersal orders to beggars, with 270 such orders given to 85 beggars. 2 beggars were issued withy Criminal Behaviour Orders after their behaviour was deemed aggressive. It was noted a campaign is under way to think before you give, as many of them are on the streets due to addiction and by not giving money this helps stop a funding stream to continue it. Often beggars do have places to go so are not living on the streets.


CCTV – there are over 300 street cameras which are monitored, a further 203 are in West Yorkshire bus stations along with a further number in tower blocks. These cameras have helped with crime and disorder offences as well as missing persons.


The Chair updated Board members about the visit to Leeds Building Services in Seacroft on 16th November. The Chair explained this was done in two halves. The first was a tour round the depot which was impractical for all members to attend and so Michael Healey attended with the Chair on this tour. The second half which was open to all Board members was around the Total Works system which is being rolled out in LBS. It was noted this was the first time that LBS staff had seen this system in operation. The Chair noted the openness and honesty with questions posed during the tour and the demonstration. The Chair gave thanks to Leeds Building Services staff for their hospitality during the day and also to Total Works for their demonstration of the system.


CG asked if vans are currently being topped up of supplies on site or if this is something which will come in when the new system is introduced. It was clarified after the meeting the current situation is all responsive operatives have a van stock, depending on their trade. When they use items from the van stock, they fill out a form and submit it to Wolseley. On a weekly basis a Wolseley driver will contact the operative and arrange to meet them on site to deliver their van stock, unless they need to go to the Wolseley stores, where they will collect it.


The future aim is to get Total Repairs to order the van stock via their PDA, so this will alleviate the need for completing paperwork.


The Chair noted the Tenant Scrutiny Conference which is being held on 6th December. 4 places have been booked for this event, the Chair explained initially two officers would attend along with two Board members, however, one officer space has been relinquished to enable an additional Board member to attend. The Chair made the decision who would attend based on workloads and involvement in other areas of work, to ensure that all Board members have the opportunity to contribute. The Chair advised Board members attending that feedback would need to be provided at the next meeting.


The Chair also reported to the Board that due to his absence in early December that he has met with Sharon Guy to plan the December agenda so that it could be issued in the appropriate timescales. He also explained that he will be meeting with Mandy Sawyer and Sharon Guy to discuss governance of the Board which falls timely with the discussion held last meeting about the terms of reference. He stressed he will continue to update the Board on this area of work.


The Chair reported that Councillor Proctor of E&H scrutiny board would be leaving that position in the coming months in order to take up a seat in the European Parliament. The Board expressed their thanks for his work and support throughout his tenure.

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