Agenda item

How to make Corporate parenting everyone's business

To receive a report from the Head of Service, Looked After Children presenting an update on the purpose and progress made by the Corporate Parenting Board.


The Head of Service, Looked After Children submitted a report which updated the Board on the purpose and progress made by the Corporate Parenting Board.


The following information was appended to the report:


-  Corporate Carer guidance for elected members in Leeds (Summer 2016)

-  Governance arrangements for the Corporate Parenting Board.


The following were in attendance:


-  Councillor Lisa Mulherin, Executive Board Member, Children and Families

-  Councillor Jane Dowson, Deputy Executive Board Member, Children and Families

-  Councillor Helen Hayden, Chair of Corporate Parenting Board

-  Steve Walker, Interim Director of Children’s Services

-  Rob Murray, Head of Service, Looked after Children

-  Jancis Andrew, Head of Virtual School (Looked After Children).


The key areas of discussion were:


·  The potential development of a thematic approach at Corporate Parenting Board.

·  Concern about inconsistent attendance at Corporate Parenting Board.  The Board emphasised the need for a clear pattern of meeting dates to be agreed at the start of the municipal year to avoid clashes with other Council meetings. The Board also highlighted the importance of a representative at a strategic level from each of the directorates.

·  The need for mandatory training in relation to corporate parenting.  The Board also discussed the need to increase opportunities for Elected Members to attend training events.

·  Engagement with young people through a range of initiatives.  The Board also acknowledged the positive work undertaken by the Voice and Influence Team.

·  A suggestion that the Scrutiny Board received an annual report from the Corporate Parenting Board.

·  The key role of Ward Members and Community Committees providing a focus on corporate parenting responsibilities and Looked After Children.

·  Raising awareness at school governing bodies and at cluster level.

·  The need to develop engagement with support groups, foster carers and volunteers.

·  An acknowledgement regarding the important role of the business community and the third sector. 




a)  That the Director of Children’s Services recommends making training on corporate parenting mandatory for elected members and appropriate officers through submission of a report to the Council’s Member Management Committee.

b)  That the Corporate Parenting Board updates the Scrutiny Board on an annual basis on:


Ø  The Corporate Parenting Board vision and plan outlining areas of focus for the next 12 months;

Ø  Outcomes and achievements for the previous 12 months; and

Ø  Attendance and support at meetings from elected members and Directors so that commitment to children in care and care leavers can be evidenced.


c)  That Scrutiny Board members be invited to meet with Have a Voice Council (HAV) / Care Leavers Council once a year through the children and young people takeover day of the Corporate Parenting Board.

d)  That the Corporate Parenting Board ensure that all relevant individuals, including all Councillors are aware of the Corporate Parenting strategy, their responsibilities as a Corporate Parent and that the strategy is fully adhered to.

e)  That a deputy be identified for each elected member who sits on the Corporate Parenting Board to represent them if they are unable to attend, to improve attendance.

f)  That all Directors nominate an officer of seniority to represent the directorate at the Corporate Parenting Board.

g)  That members of the Corporate Parenting Board be given the lead for certain areas in relation to Looked After Children and Care Leavers for example, Education, Health, Leaving Care, Residential Care, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children, etc.

h)  That Community Committees receive regular reports about how the promises developed with looked after children on the HAV Council have been fulfilled.

i)  That consideration be given to potential takeover of the Scrutiny Board by HAV / Care Leavers Council, subject to corporate governance approval. 


(Councillor M Iqbal joined the meeting at 10.00am during the consideration of this item.)


Supporting documents: