Agenda item

Site Allocations Plan Transport Modelling and Evaluation

To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer which provides an update on the transport modelling and evaluation of the Site Allocations Plan. The report additionally explains how this is being used to inform site requirements and the delivery of new infrastructure and notes that transport modelling is an ongoing process.


The Publication Draft Infrastructure Background Paper (September 2015) included a Transport Background Paper which outlined the forecast transport impacts of the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP). This work directly influenced the addition of specific site requirements relating to the local highway network for 77 allocated sites in the Site Allocations Plan. A copy of the Transport Background Paper is attached as Appendix 1 to this report.


Since the evaluation of the SAP and AVLAAP was completed for the Publication draft, there have been a number of key changes which has resulted in further work being carried out to update both the Transport Background Paper and the Site Requirements and the more significant changes are identified within this report



The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report on the work that has been undertaken to update the transport evaluation of the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP). The report discussed the transport modelling and evaluation of the Plan and how this was being used to inform site requirements and the delivery of new infrastructure.


The Publication Draft Infrastructure Background Paper (September 2015) included a Transport Background Paper which outlined the forecast transport impacts of the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP). This work directly influenced the addition of specific site requirements relating to the local highway network for 77 allocated sites in the Site Allocations Plan. An updated version of the Background Paper was included as Appendix 1 to the report.


The Principal Transport Planner (Policy) presented the report providing an update on the modelling contained within the Transport Background Paper – an annexe to the Infrastructure Paper for the SAP which reflected changes around the Leeds district, including a change to the approach of NGT, the inclusion of the Parlington site within the ONE HMCA and references to the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund.


The robustness of the assessment was highlighted – as it accounted for significantly greater forecasts that the Department for Transport (DfT) forecasts. A list of 82 sites identified as needing works was included and it was noted that, following the cancellation of the NGT scheme, a £173m fund for public transport improvements in Leeds had been allocated by the DfT. A strategic case had been submitted to DfT in December and a response is awaited


Discussions highlighted the following matters:

·  the modelling done to consider car ownership. It was noted that a 14-24% increase in traffic had been accounted for

·  the modelling done to account for increases in rail capacity. It was noted that rail capacity is modelled, however the rail industry could not anticipate which services would get more capacity and new rolling stock therefore at this stage this had not been included.

·  The modelling showing increased car ownership but not necessarily car movements and whether the forecasted Leeds traffic trends to 2028 could be justified. In response, it was noted that historically DfT produced a high forecast - the modelling suggested a 24% increase in trips. Leeds anticipated the increase would be more likely to reflect the forecast increase in Leeds’ population which is lower at 14%. It was also noted that Figure 1 showed car ownership has historically outstretched population growth.

·  The need to ensure the Leeds Congestion Hotspots map is updated from 2011/12 within the background paper. In response it was noted that work will be undertaken to update this, however, this is a substantial piece of work and will not be available for the submission deadline. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that it will be available before the examination

·  Whether Community Infrastructure Levy funding would be available to tackle the top 30 hotspots for congestion. It was noted that many of the hotspot sites were constrained by existing developments restricting what might be achievable, however, where possible road treatment and junction improvements would be implemented. Overall funding for transport improvements is substantial therefore CIL would only form part of the funding.

·  Whether those areas where enablement would support future development would be given priority

·  The timeline for modelling the new public transport intervention works, noting that the modelling didn’t currently include the new stations and Park & Ride and that DfT go ahead was required before further modelling could be undertaken. It was also noted that there was an expectation that the bulk of the £173m would be spent within 5 years.


Additionally, Members received assurance that the transport modelling will take into account sites which had won recent planning permission following successful appeals; further input from the Highways Agency; it already reflects transport movements of traffic coming into Leeds from neighbouring authorities, but as Bradford progressed its own SAP that too would be referenced. Members also noted additional comments about the impact of drone deliveries on HGV/truck delivery movements and a point about the impact of carbon neutral car usage on the public health priority to address congestion.



a)  To note the progress that has been made in evaluating the transport impacts of the Site Allocations Plan and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan.

b)  To note that the modelling work is an ongoing process, not a static one, and has been used to influence specific site requirements in the Site Allocations Plan and Aire Valley Leeds Action Area Plan.


Supporting documents: