Agenda item

Migration Update

To receive a report from the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) in response to the Board’s request to explore issues

relating to immigration in Leeds in light of the European Union referendum result.


The report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) was provided in response to the Scrutiny Board’s request to explore issues relating to immigration in light of the European Union referendum result.  The report set out some initial thoughts on the issues that need to be considered in the context of migration in light of the referendum outcome and its potential impact on Leeds.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  James Rogers, Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities)

·  Councillor Debra Coupar, Executive Member for Communities

·  Shaid Mahmood, Chief Officer Communities

·  Simon Foy, Head of Policy and Development

·  Rob Murray, Head of Service – Looked After Children

·  Pria Bharba, Commissioning Officer (Migrant Access)

·  Dave Brown, Migration Yorkshire

·  Alex Watson, Head of Human Resources

·  Emma Browes, Senior HR Business Partner

·  Sue Wynne, Chief Officer, Employment and Skills

·  Simon Brereton, Economic Development Programme Leader


The key issues raised were as follows:


Ø  Limitations surrounding data collection – whilst recognising the importance of robust data collection to assist in quantifying the current position in relation to migration, the Board acknowledged the existing limitations of existing data sources linked to European Economic Area (EEA) migrants.  Linked to this, particular reference was made to the work undertaken by the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford which helps to provide independent analysis of all available data sources.


Ø  Impact on local labour supply – the Board acknowledged that employment information regarding EEA migrants is not formally recorded and therefore it would not be possible to provide an accurate position. However, it was considered that EEA migrants do make up a significant proportion of the current local labour force.  The Board therefore discussed the potential implication of this, as set out within the report.


Ø  Current research into business and skills implications – the Board was pleased to learn that the LEP/West Yorkshire Combined Authority had commissioned research to explore EEA migrant labour in the City Region to assess the business and skills implications from a potential reduction in access to EEA migrant workers and to identify opportunities to develop relevant business support services.  The Board requested that the findings arising from this research be shared with Scrutiny once available.


Ø  Housing implications – whilst it was reported that housing demand may not be significantly impacted in the short term, the Board was mindful of the Council’s continued efforts to still market Leeds as a place to come and train and live and that housing will still be a key factor in this regard.


Ø  Community Safety – particular reference was made to the Council’s efforts in tackling Hate Crime and whilst acknowledging that the Environment and Housing Scrutiny Board had been receiving more detailed briefings surrounding the current Hate Crime Strategy, it was agreed that further information on this be circulated to this Scrutiny Board too.


Ø  Taking proactive action corporately – the Board learned that the Council’s Corporate Leadership Team was in the process of identifying key areas that will require further work in light of the EU referendum result as well as identifying any data gaps that may need addressing.  The Board requested that the findings of this work be shared with Scrutiny too.


In conclusion, the Chair welcomed the contribution of everyone to today’s discussion and highlighted the importance of Scrutiny maintaining an overview of this important area of work in the new municipal year.



(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That the requests for information be provided.


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