Agenda item

Tenant Scrutiny Board Update

The Board are made aware of matters arising in between meetings through Chairs Update.


However, due to the number of topics which the Chair needs to raise with the Board it was felt a separate item would be best placed in the agenda to make the Board aware of other issues which have arisen since the last meeting.


The Chair explained that this was an additional item but was to explain a number of issues which have come up.


Firstly, a complaint has been received from a member of the public around Tenant Scrutiny Board. The Chair explained that the complaint has been responded to. However, for the benefit of the Board the complaint was explained about being around transparency of the Board.


The Chair explained that he did not agree with the comments made by the complainant.  There were also queries about the administration being moved from Democratic Services. The Chair explained that the Board did not accept this proposal straight away and ensured a ‘trial’ period was carried out in order that it could be tested and that the Board could remain independent, the Chair explained that the Board’s independence has remained intact.


The Chair then explained a second complaint was received further to the response given, which was later retracted.


The Chair then discussed VITAL Housing Leeds which meets bi-monthly and is made up of all the Chairs and Vice Chairs of city wide involved tenant groups. The Chair explained that he had been approached as VITAL wish to have a working relationship between themselves and Tenant Scrutiny Board. The Chair explained he has been advised in the past by Democratic Services that he should not attend as the Chair of TSB at VITAL meetings. However, following much thought and discussion it has been agreed that the Chair will attend VITAL at the start of the Boards municipal year as a means of increasing the Boards consultation with key stakeholders.  The Chair emphasised that he would not be bound by their suggestions and the Board would make the final decision on the work programme for the coming year. SB supported this approach and stated that as a member of VITAL she could see no reason for the need to attend meetings more frequently. 


The Chair attended Environment and Housing Scrutiny Board. He explained that in December they asked for a report from Mandy Sawyer around Tenant Scrutiny Board and Tenant Involvement. The Board were given an update of the history of Tenant Scrutiny, how they recruit and the work which has been carried out. The Environment and Housing Scrutiny Board would now be doing a report on this, however the Chair explained that they had decided that for future meetings of the Environment and Housing Scrutiny Board the Chair would attend on housing matters and sit with them rather than in the background and so will have a say on the Board. The Chair feels this is a positive step for Tenant Scrutiny Board, which will enable a closer working relationship. The Chair noted that this is something which needs to be included in the terms of reference and that is part of the role of the Chair.


The Chair also feedback that a Councillor had commented on the lack of feedback from a particular Housing Office on estate walkabouts.  The Chair believes this might just be one particular Housing Office/Officer but as this was part of the Board’s recommendations then he felt the Board should request and update on this from Housing Leeds. 


RESOLVED The Board gave the Chair authority to attend VITAL as their representative in 14th June 2017.


RESOLVED The Board agreed that an annual attendance to VITAL by the Chair to discuss the upcoming work for the municipal year would be appropriate and proportionate.


RESOLVED The Board agreed that the Terms of Reference be looked at and that is part of the role of the Chair.


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