Agenda item

Housing White Paper - Department of Communities & Local Government (DCLG)

To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the Council’s substantive response to the Department for Communities and Local Government Housing White Paper – “Fixing our broken housing market”. Executive Board considered the matter on 19th April 2017 and the Council’s response was sent to DCLG by the required deadline. This report provides the Panel with the opportunity to consider the response and make additional supplementary comments.



The Director of City Development submitted a report on the Council’s response to the Government’s Housing White Paper (HWP), entitled ‘Fixing our broken housing market’. The HWP was issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) on 7th February 2017 along with associated background papers and technical information.


Members noted that due to the requirement to respond to the consultation by 2nd May 2017; Executive Board had considered and agreed a report including proposed responses to the 38 questions set in the HWP on 19th April 2017. Executive Board Members had commented on the need for the HWP to have more explicit regard for the Environmental Impact of housing development, as well as recognising the need for housing growth and delivery – these additional points were incorporated into the overall response which had now been submitted to DCLG.


The Panel was asked to make additional comments which could be sent to DCLG as supplementary comments.


The Head of Strategic Planning presented the report, outlining the wide- ranging scope of the material in the HWP and the related consultation and technical documents. Members noted the view that although it was felt that the HWP analysis regarding the failure of delivery in the housing market was considered to be accurate, the proposals flowing out of this did not go far enough to remedy the issues identified. In addition, the 38 consultation questions did not reflect the full range of concerns raised by the Council.


During discussions, the Panel expressed support for the response already submitted and identified the following responses for comment and further emphasis:


Q6) Co-ordination of development - The need to take a strategic and holistic view of future development, particularly in areas where there were a number of parcels of land in different ownership; and to encourage place-making rather than isolated developments. Co-operation between developers should be encouraged with a greater onus on the industry to take responsibility for delivery.


Q18c) Fees and awards of appeal costs – Considered appeal costs awards balanced with the need to incentivise the right kind of development


Q3a),12d) and 13a) Role of Small & Medium sized house builder firms – To provide innovation and good design in the housing stock. The Panel acknowledged that small/medium sized firms could provide a volume of houses, however further clarity was need on the mechanism proposed to support the Government suggestion that a percentage of a volume house build site could be given over to SMEs. Leeds placed importance on good design quality and the national designs often proposed by large firms were not of sufficient quality.


Q31) Starter Homes/Affordable Housing mix – Clarity was required on the mix and requirements within developments, noting that developers and builders would preference starter homes over affordable housing provision. Officers responded that that this would be reviewed as part of the Core Strategy and Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) work.


Q27) Starter and Completion Notices – Implementation and completion of developments were regarded as being equally important. One Member expressed the view that the current 5 year lifespan of permissions was too generous and consideration should be given to reinstating a former approach whereby permission would lapse if not implemented by a given date.


Q23&24) Track record – Concern was expressed on the impact of knowledge of a developer’s previous ability to deliver on the planning process.


Q12c) Infrastructure – Health Facilities should also be referenced.


Q15) Joined up approach to Brownfield Land – An exercise to map all Brownfield land, including that held by other bodies such as Network Rail/Rivers and Canals Trust -  would facilitate a joined up approach to future development.


a)  That the contents of the report be noted

b)  That the comments identified above made by Members be sent as a supplementary response to the DCLG Housing White Paper


Supporting documents: