Agenda item

Application Nos:16/07714/FU and 16/07734/LI - Hybrid planning application for the restoration and reuse of Monk Bridge viaduct for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 uses (up to 4380 sqm); erection of three blocks of 307 apartments (storey heights between 11-13), creation of open space, landscaping and car parking; outline application for two blocks of residential developments 13-21 storeys and Listed Building Application for the repair and refurbishment of viaduct for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 uses and connections to associated residential buildings, open space, landscaping and parking areas at Doncaster Monk Bridge Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley Leeds LS12 1BE

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a

hybrid planning application for the restoration and reuse of Monk Bridge viaduct for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 uses (up to 4380 sqm); erection of three blocks of 307 apartments (storey heights between 11-13), creation of open space, landscaping and car parking; outline application for two blocks of residential developments 13-21 storeys and listed building application for the repair and refurbishment of viaduct for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 uses and connections to associated residential buildings, open space, landscaping and parking areas at Doncaster Monk Bridge Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley Leeds LS12 1BE



(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which set out details of a hybrid planning application for the restoration and reuse of Monk Bridge viaduct for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 uses (up to 4380 sqm); erection of three blocks of 307 apartments (storey heights between 11-13), creation of open space, landscaping and car parking; outline application for two blocks of residential developments 13-21 storeys and listed building application for the repair and refurbishment of viaduct for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 uses and connections to associated residential buildings, open space, landscaping and parking areas at Doncaster Monk Bridge Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley Leeds,

LS12 1BE


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion on the application.


The Chief Planning Officer together with the applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The site measures approximately 1.7 hectares and contains the Grade II listed former railway viaduct along the southern boundary with the land to the north being cleared.

·  The site is located to the southwest of the commercial core of the city centre but within the defined city centre boundary. The Leeds Liverpool Canal is to the east of the site with the railway line to the west. There is a mix of residential, commercial and industrial activities in the surrounding area.

·  The viaduct was constructed in 1846 for the Leeds and Thirsk Railway Company. The viaduct has not been in use since the 1960s when the former Wellington train station closed and was subsequently demolished.

·  The access roads to the commercial plots south of the viaduct have also been constructed and connected to Whitehall Road, one of the main distributor roads serving Leeds City Centre.

·  The proposed development is for up to 607 apartments in five buildings. The three western buildings (A,B and C) will provide 307 apartments intended to be made available to the Private Rented Sector (PRS) with the other two buildings (D and E) providing up to 300 units for open market sale. The 307 PRS units are applied for in full along with the commercial elements mainly contained within the railway arches with outline permission being sought for the open market dwellings.

·  Buildings A,B and C would be between 12 and 14 storeys in height. The 307 dwellings sought via full application are 150 x 1 bedroom, 141 x 2 bedroom and 16 x 3 bedroom apartments.

·  Buildings D and E are proposed in outline with maximum heights and footprint to be agreed at this stage. Building E is closet to the canal and is proposed to range in height between 18 and 21 storeys, with Building D ranging in height between 12 and 14 storeys.

·  The listed viaduct would be repaired and would be enhanced to provide a new elevated landscaped public park that would connect to the Wellington Place development to the east.

·  56 car parking spaces beneath blocks A,B and C were proposed

·  In respect of an update on the wind impact assessment, the evidence submitted to date demonstrated that there was unlikely to be any wind safety issues arising from the development, however, the Council’s wind consultant had advised that further clarification be provided of the wind mitigation measures required to ensure a comfortable wind environment for the intended uses and that the wind impact for each phase of the development is also clarified .

·  In respect of the update on the highway matters, the only outstanding issues related to the need to achieve a 3m wide and attractive pedestrian connection through the development site to the existing footbridge  over Wellington Bridge Street; the need for further clarification and resolution of the servicing arrangements for the commercial uses and pedestrian access to the undercroft entrances to the residential blocks; and the highway request to provide an enhanced crossing for cyclists across Whitehall Road (“Toucan crossing”)

·  It was suggested that if Panel were supportive of the overall proposals then the resolution of the remaining detailed wind impact and highway matters be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer to determine


In response to Members questions, the following were discussed:


·  Further clarification around the use and layout of the undercroft area to the buildings

·  Would all residential tenants have access to communal facilities

·  Further clarification was required around the affordable housing provision

·  How would the development be phased


In providing a response to the above questions the Chief Planning Officer/ applicants representatives said: all tenants would have access to communal facilities, affordable housing provision would be 5% of the total number of units as detailed at paragraph 9.30 of the submitted report and phase 1 of the development would include the development of blocks A,B and C and the refurbishment of the viaduct including provision of public spaces and the commercial units


In offering comment Members provided the following:


·  The approach to Affordable Housing provision was a sensible one

·  One Member expressed concern about the roof design over the public open space area

·  Overall Members were supportive of the proposal commenting that it was an exciting design and an exceptional development


In summing up the Chair said all Members were supportive and impressed with the proposed development suggesting that the Design Team had produced a really good scheme.




(i)  That application 16/07714/FU be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer for approval of the full details and the future reserved matters application; for resolution of the outstanding highway issues and wind mitigation matters and subject to the conditions as specified in the submitted report (and any other which he may consider appropriate) and following the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to include the following obligations:


  In respect of Affordable Housing:


·  To provide a 3 month window to discuss with the Local Planning Authority the cost of the viaduct works balanced against cost of the provision of the Social Rented element of the Affordable Housing provision.

·  If justified, to accept 5% on site affordable housing provision at intermediate rental levels only to be managed directly by the PRS provider as detailed in paragraph 9.33 of the submitted report

·  To provide the agreed Affordable Housing requirement for the whole development within the first phase.

·  Tenants occupying the affordable units to have the same access rights (to space and equipment) as other tenants


  In addition to the above, to provide:


·  £129,064 Sustainable Travel Fund

·  £20,000 car club trial

·  £5,035 Travel Plan Monitoring fee

·  Access to public open space areas

·  Access to route through to Inner Ring Road footbridge

·  Employment and Training for Local People


In the event where the Section 106 Agreement having not been completed with 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer.


(ii)  That application 16/07734/LI be approved subject to the conditions specified in the submitted report

Supporting documents: