Agenda item

White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Lay) - Public Sector Pay

This Council will write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer asking him to rescind the current 1% public sector pay limit.



It was moved by Councillor Lay, seconded by Councillor Charlwood that this Council will write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer asking him to rescind the current 1% public sector pay limit.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Lamb, seconded by Councillor Stephenson


Delete all after ‘Exchequer asking him to’ and replace with:


‘review public sector pay following the submission of recommendations from public sector independent pay bodies. Council believes that the current blanket approach to increases in basic pay favours high earners and a fairer settlement could be delivered to all staff in the public sector.


This Council underlines the importance of maintaining control of the public finances and not undoing the good work of the last 7 years.’


Motion will read:


‘This Council will write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer asking him to review public sector pay following the submission of recommendations from public sector independent pay bodies. Council believes that the current blanket approach to increases in basic pay favours high earners and a fairer settlement could be delivered to all staff in the public sector.


This Council underlines the importance of maintaining control of the public finances and not undoing the good work of the last 7 years.’


The amendment in the name of Councillor Lamb was declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED – That this Council will write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer asking him to rescind the current 1% public sector pay limit.


On the requisition of Councillor G Latty and J Procter the voting on the amendment in the name of Councillor Lamb was recorded as follows; 


YES – 16


B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.


NO – 71


Akhtar, Arif, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn D Blackburn, Blake, Bruce, Campbell, Chapman, Charlwood, Cleasby, Downes, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Dawson, C Dobson, M Dobson, Dunn, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Golton, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Khan, Lay, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lyons, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walker, Walshaw, Wilford and Yeadon.




Elliott, Finnigan and Varley


On the requisition of Councillor Hyde and Harland the voting on the motion in the name of Councillor Lay was recorded as follows; 


YES – 71


Akhtar, Arif, J Bentley, S Bentley, A Blackburn D Blackburn, Blake, Bruce, Campbell, Chapman, Charlwood, Cleasby, Congreve, Coulson, Coupar, Davey, Dawson, C Dobson, M Dobson, Downes,  Dunn, Gabriel, Garthwaite, Golton, P Grahame, R Grahame, Groves, C Gruen, P Gruen, Hamilton, Harland, Harper, Hayden, Heselwood, A Hussain, G Hussain, Hyde, Illingworth, Iqbal, Khan, Lay, Leadley, J Lewis, R Lewis, Lyons, Lowe, Macniven, Maqsood, J McKenna, S McKenna, Mulherin, Nagle, Nash, Ogilvie, Pryor, Rafique, Ragan, Renshaw, Ritchie, Selby, Smart, E Taylor, Towler, Truswell, Tunnicliffe, Venner, Wakefield, Walker, Walshaw, Wilford and Yeadon.


NO – 16


B Anderson, C Anderson, Buckley, Andrew Carter, Cohen, Collins, Harrand, Lamb, G Latty, P Latty, J Procter, Robinson, Stephenson, Wadsworth, Wilkinson and Wood.




Elliott, Finnigan and Varley





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