Agenda item

17/00009/FU - One block of 12 No. apartments at 21 Allerton Park, Chapel Allerton, LS7

To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer for an application for one block of 12 No. apartments at 21 Allerton Park, Chapel Allerton, LS7.


(Report attached)


Member considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer on the application for the demolition of an existing house and the erection of a block of 12 flats at No. 21 Allerton Park, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, LS7 4ND.


The planning officer informed the Panel that concern had been expressed that due process had not been followed as the report for Plans Panel was published before the expiry of the neighbours publicity time had expired.


The Members noted that this was not uncommon, Members were aware the purpose of these oral updates was to ensure that additional representations were reported in full and to give opportunity that if those representations had an impact in the written recommendation that this too was altered orally for Panel’s consideration. It was noted that the neighbour’s time expired on 12th June 2017.


27 additional representations had been received since the publication of the report with one additional issue being raised as a result of this consultation which related to the noise and disturbance that would be caused during construction phase of the development. It was noted that if Members were mindful to agree the recommendation to approve an additional condition could be imposed to control the hours of construction and hours of delivery / removal of goods from the site during this period.


A copy of a letter from solicitors acting on behalf of the owners of 18 and 23 Allerton Park had been forwarded to the Council with a request that it be brought to Plans Panel’s attention. The contents of the letter was drawing to the applicants attention that there are restrictive covenants on the land that is the subject of the planning application and that should they seek to implement any permission they might receive that the relevant parties would take legal action against them.


Members were informed that this issue should be noted but that it had no bearing on the planning merits of the case under consideration.


To clarify the matters in the report, the proposal had been assessed in respect of its impact on the character of the Chapel Allerton Conservation Area by both Conservation Officers and the case officer and the conclusion drawn was that the design, bulk, massing and the alteration to the residential nature of the proposal did not adversely impact on the Character of the Conservation Area. It was concluded that the proposal was compliant with Policy P11 of the Core Strategy.


Members had visited the site earlier the day and plans, drawings and photographs were shown at the meeting.


Members were informed of the following points of the application:

·  That the current property was of a modest size within a large plot

·  That the application proposes 12 flats with underground parking for residents, although there would still be a need for visitor parking.

·  The proposed building would have some traditional features such as chimneys as per negotiation between the applicant and the planning officers.

·  The proposed building would have elongated skylights rather than the previously proposed flat roof.

·  The mature boundary treatments would remain so to provide privacy to residents and to neighbours



Mr Seal of 23 Allerton Park attended the meeting to inform the Panel of his objections to the application.


Mr Seal said that the report fails to address the objection and issues raised. He said that there had been 117 objections to the proposal with only 17 supporting the proposal.


Mr Seal informed the Panel that he had put in a planning application to increase his property by 4 feet however this application had been refused and now they were considering a three storey apartment block.


Mr Seal expressed his concerns in relation to the fact that windows would overlook both 18 and 23 Allerton Park and Gledhow Lane.


Mr Seal had concerns that the development would impact on the beautiful garden of the property and the conservation area.


Mr Seal explained that families were moving out of Chapel Allerton as they were unable to secure family property in the area due to the development of to many 2 bed flats being constructed for financial gain.


Rachael Martin the agent and Martin Cook the architect attended the meeting.


Ms Martin informed the Members of the following:

·  The applicant had noted the comments of all parties and had made a number of changes to address the issues raised.

·  Detailed discussions had taken place with planning officers and conservation officer to address issues raised and concerns of neighbours.

·  That category C trees would be removed with the rest remaining.

·  There had been no technical objections raised by Highways.

·  That neighbour’s concerns in relation to overlooking had been addressed.

·  The flats would be self-contained units with kitchens.

·  The applicant had been informed that there was a market need for 2 bed room flats in the area.


Cllr. Grahame requested that when discussing this type of application that it should be decided whether they are flats or apartments and refer to the one type not use both for the same application.


Members requested an additional condition be added in respect to reasonable hours of construction and deliveries to and removals from the site. Suggest hours were;

Monday to Friday – 8:00am – 6:00pm

Saturday -8:00am – 12:00 midday

No work to be undertaken on Sunday or Bank Holidays


Members noted that the management plan would include a condition to ensure that construction traffic would park only on the site.


Members discussed the demolition of bungalows in Leeds and were of the view that if they were demolished to make way for a new building it should be of good design and sustainable. It was considered that the proposal was of good design.


Members requested that the leylandii trees be removed.


RESOLVED – To grant permission subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report and with the addition of the following conditions:

·  Hours of construction to be;

o  Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm

o  Saturday – 8:00am – 12:00 midday

o  No work to be carried out on Sunday or Bank Holidays

·  Construction traffic to be parked on the site

·  Leylandii trees to be removed




Supporting documents: