Agenda item

16/03692/OT - Outline application for residential development for up to 23 dwellings at Rudgate Park, Walton, Wetherby, LS23


To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application for residential development for up to 23 dwellings Rudgate Park, Walton, Wetherby, LS23.


(Report attached)


The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an outline application (with all matters reserved) for a residential development for up to 23 dwellings at Rudgate Park, Walton, Wetherby, LS23 7EJ.


Members were informed that further comment from Thorp Arch Parish Council had been received clarifying their support is for the application on the basis that access was not created into the adjacent land, remainder of the Phase III SAP site, and that their support for this application should not be conflated with the proposed SAP site in its entirety.


Members were also informed that the S106 needed to include provision for a £30,342.32 commuted sum for 10 year maintenance of the Greenspace in the event LCC are happy to take this on, or a condition to require details of the maintenance of the Greenspace in the event Parks and Countryside are not happy or the applicant determines to go down that route.


The application was presented at Plans Panel at the request of Cllr. John Procter as the site is part of a wider site that will have implications for the locality.


Members were provided with the following information:

·  35% of dwellings would be affordable properties

·  Open public space to the east of the dwellings

·  A landscaped entrance into the development

·  Category A tree would be retained

·  The proposed site was previously the prison officers social club which has now been demolished

·  The proposed dwellings would be 2 storeys

·  4 letters of objection had been received with issues raised in relation to drainage of the site and the impact on neighbouring Walton. Also raised concerns in relation to privacy and amenity space

·  The Thorp Arch Parish Council has written in support and there comments were noted at the start of the item.

·  7.5 of the submitted report set out the issue of drainage and proposals to address the issues raised


The Panel heard from Mr Lawn of 2 Farm Close, Walton. Mr Lawn expressed his concerns in relation to the drainage issues already being experienced by residents in Walton and the development of another 23 properties would exacerbate the problems of a sewage system which cannot cope.


Mr Lawn informed the Panel of his personal circumstances and how is home had been flooded on numerous occasions with foul water. Mr Lawn said that he had started to raise the issue with Yorkshire Water in 2010. He went on to say that to maintain the sewage system it has to be flushed every two weeks and de-silted every six months, he also said that in addition to the cyclical maintenance the sewer collapses regularly and has to be repaired.


Mr Lawn said that numerous letters had been sent to Yorkshire Water and that Alec Shelbroke MP had taken up their case but as yet no resolution had been forthcoming.


Members were informed that a balancing pond had been put in as part of the development in which Mr Lawn lives with sewage from 7 seven properties going directly into the balancing pond. Members were concerned about the health and safety issues of the balancing pond.


The Panel thanked Mr Lawn for attending the meeting and for his detailed presentation.


Mr Walton the TEP Agent attended the meeting. Mr Walton informed the Panel that although he had empathy with Mr Lawn’s situation the issues raised did not directly effect this application which was an outline application. He said that the detail of the development including drainage would be provided at the design stage.


Mr Walton said that the development would provide supply much needed affordable housing in the area with 8 of the 23 dwellings being affordable.


Members were informed that the Homes and Communities Agency owned the land on which the previous Prison Officers Social Club had stood.


Members requested that all issues in respect of drainage be resolved with Yorkshire Water before reserved matters stage.


The Chair suggested that the Panel should write to the Executive Member and Yorkshire Water to raise the concerns that they have in relation to the drainage issues of the area.


Members were of the view that the development was of good design and were happy that the development would also have the much needed affordable homes. However they would want to see all the issues resolved in relation to drainage before the application is seen at reserved matters.


Cllr. Hamilton put forward the suggestion to defer until Yorkshire Water could provide confirmation that they were addressing the drainage and sewer issues.


Head of Planning Services explained that when the application for the discharge of reserved matters is submitted detailed discussions between officers and the developers will take place concerning issues of drainage.


He went on to say that Yorkshire Water as the statutory body would have to resolve the issues which would also require the issues dealt with as part of a wider issue within Walton.


The Head of Planning Services said that letters from the Panel could be sent to Alec Shelbroke MP, Executive Member Richard Lewis and other appropriate bodies to express the concerns of the Panel.


Members were of the view that separate professional advice and investigation into the collapsed sewers was needed. The Chair also said that he would speak directly to the Dr. Cameron, Director of Public Health.


RESOLVED – To defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer as set out in the recommendations of the submitted report and to include the following;

·  S106 required for a commuted sum or to be dealt with through a condition for the management of the green space

·  For a children’s park on the open public space to include play equipment

·  Full and detailed report on drainage to be brought back to Panel

·  Write to the appropriate bodies for drainage and public health


Under the provisions of the Council Procedure Rules 16.5 Councillor S Hamilton required it to be recorded that she abstained from voting on this item.





Supporting documents: