Agenda item

PREAPP/16/00090 - Pre - Application Presentation for Retrospective demolition of 101-104 Kirkgate, the demolition of 10-11 Crown Court, and the construction of a new mixed-use building at 101 - 104 Kirkgate, Leeds, LS2 7DJ & PREAPP/17/00154 for Residential development with A3/leisure and parking at Car Park, Crown Street, Leeds

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Pre – Application Presentation (PREAPP/16/00090) for retrospective demolition of 101-104 Kirkgate, the demolition of 10-11 Crown Court, and the construction of a new mixed-use building at 101 - 104 Kirkgate, Leeds,

LS2 7DJ & PREAPP/17/00154 for residential development with A3/leisure and parking at Car Park, Crown Street, Leeds


(Report attached)




The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of a

Pre-application proposal (PREAPP/16/00090) for retrospective demolition of 101 -104 Kirkgate, the demolition of 10-11 Crown Court and the construction of a new mixed-use building at 101-104 Kirkgate, Leeds 2 for residential development with A3/leisure and parking at car park, Crown Street, Leeds.(PREAPP/1700154)


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:



·  101-104 Kirkgate was a cleared site located on the south side of Kirkgate, facing the junction of Kirkgate and New York Street. The site was vacant following the emergency demolition of 101-102 Kirkgate in 2010, and the recent fire and subsequent emergency demolition of Hills Furniture at 103-104 Kirkgate.


·  Crown Street car park is a rough surfaced long-established use car park to the rear of the Kirkgate frontage properties, between the railway viaduct, Waterloo House and Crown Street. The site lies within the designated City Centre, the Prime Shopping Quarter, a Secondary Shopping Frontage, the City Centre Conservation Area, the Lower Kirkgate Townscape Heritage Initiative and Lower Kirkgate Planning statement area, and within the setting of a number of Listed Buildings, including:


-  Grade I Corn Exchange

-  Grade II* First White Cloth Hall

-  Grade II* Waterloo House

-  Grade II 3-7 Crown Street

-  Grade II 23 Kirkgate

-  Grade II Westminster Buildings

-  Grade I Kirkgate Market


·  The scheme consists of two new buildings with public realm. At 101-104 Kirkgate and 10-11 Crown Court (at the rear), a part 4, part 5 storey building in red-brick and vertical metal cladding is proposed, with A3 café/bar at basement level, A1 retail and A3 café/bar units at ground floor, with flats above. The scheme proposes the demolition of the existing 10-11 Crown Court.


·  The proposal also includes the re-development of the Crown Street car park, with a new red-brick part 4/5/6/7 storey residential building, with ground floor A1 retail/A3 café/restaurant units.


·  Across the two buildings, 80 flats are proposed in total, consisting of:

  - 6 studio flats ranging between 36sqm and 60sqm, - 26 one-bed flats   ranging between 50sqm and 60sqm, - 43 two-bed flats ranging   between 60sqm and 70sqm - 5 three-bed flats 82sqm.


·  The buildings would be constructed to exceed current Building Regulations by 20% in terms of carbon emissions. On site low carbon energy usage would be achieved by air source heat pumps.


·  28 car parking spaces including 3 disabled bays are proposed at basement level below the Crown Street car park building. This basement would also include provision for 74 cycle parking spaces. The car park would be accessed via Pine Court (one-way in) and egressed via the Waterloo House access road. Bin storage would also be located inside the building, accessed from the Waterloo House access road. All refuse and recycling would be managed by private collection.


·  The flats were intended for the Private Rented Sector – Built to rent operator


In response to Members questions, the following were raised:


·  Members sought clarification on litter bin storage

·  Clarification was sought around the public access/ residents security  arrangements

·  Members sought clarification around access to the greenspace/ active space, would the public be able to access this space

·  Would trees, grass, benches and litter bins be provided in the greenspace/ active space

·  Members queried the purpose of a small building adjacent to the rear of the White Cloth Hall

·  The apartment block fronting 101 to 104 Kirkgate was not in keeping with the rest of the street and was considered too high

·  Members queried the proposed roof scape to the Kirkgate frontage suggesting that it should better fit in with existing buildings


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said; bin storage areas were located in each core and managed by private collection,

access to the public areas of the building (including greenspace/active space) would be from 7.00am until 8.00pm, the small building adjacent to the White Cloth Hall was a new stair core for No.97, further consideration would be given to the height and design of the apartment block and to the overall roof scape.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members welcomed the fact that the buildings would be constructed to exceed current Building Regulations by 20% in terms of carbon emissions and that all apartments would meet National Space Standards.

·  Members welcomed the provision of 5% on site affordable housing

·  Clarification around the public access arrangements and how they were managed was important

·  Further consideration of the height and design of the apartment block fronting 101-104 Kirkgate was required.


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;


·  Members were supportive in principle, to the demolition of 10 -11 Crown Court and replacement with a modern building

·  Members were supportive in principle, to a modern design on the location of 101-104 Kirkgate, however, the height and appearance of the proposed development should be more sympathetic to the existing buildings within the area (“building on what was already there”)

·  That subject to testing of key street views, Members were supportive of the emerging design of the building proposed on the car park

·  Members welcomed the proposed size of the apartments and the provision of 5% on site affordable housing

·  Members were supportive in principle to the proposed highways and transportation matters, including the approach to car parking and servicing


In summing up the Chair said Members were supportive of the proposal, this was an important historic part of the city and redevelopment and restoration of the area was welcomed.




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation



Supporting documents: