Agenda item

PREAPP/17/00138 - Pre-Application Presentation for a 8-14 storeys of 300 flats with landscaping, parking and associated works to Land Off Flax Place, Richmond Street And Marsh Lane, Cross Green, LS9 8HG

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Pre-Application Presentation (PREAPP/17/00138) for a 8-14 storeys of 300 flats with landscaping, parking and associated works to Land Off Flax Place, Richmond Street And Marsh Lane, Cross Green, LS9 8HG.


(Report attached)



The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of a

Pre-application proposal for a development of 8-14 storeys of 300 flats with landscaping, parking and associated works to land off, Flax Place, Richmond Street and Marsh Lane, Cross Green, LS9 8HG.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The site was located within the defined City Centre but was not allocated for a specific use on the Local Development Framework (LDF) Policies Map.


·  The site lies within the boundary covered by the emerging Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (AVLAAP) which is being prepared in accordance with Core Strategy Spatial Policy 5 and will form part of the LDF when adopted.


·  The draft AVLAAP identified the site for housing use under Policy AVL6. This allocation was not subject to a specific objection following consultation on the draft plan which was subject to Examination in Public in January 2017 with main modifications consultation ending on 8th June 2017 and could therefore be afforded significant weight.


·  The proposed development seeks to provide a predominantly residential development across two stepped blocks of 8 to 14 storeys in height housing some 300 apartments. These are currently proposed to be the following mix; 11 studio apartments, 147 one bedroomed apartments, 130 two bedroomed apartments and 12 three bedroomed apartments.


·  To the front of the site where it meets East Street and Richmond Street a convenience shopping A1 Use Class retail unit is also proposed.


·  The landscape scheme features include public open spaces around the buildings and roof top terracing for more private resident’s usage.


·  Car and cycle parking is proposed with the added opportunity to provide City Car Club space/s within the site.


·  The flats were intended for the Private Rented Sector – Built to rent operator


In response to Members questions, the following were raised:


·  Was the building energy efficient

·  Had consideration been given to the provision of balconies

·  The two blocks appeared to be relatively close together leading to possible light issues for residents, could consideration be given to the use of lighter material in order to reflect light

·  Use of lighter materials may lead to graffiti issues at lower levels

·  Welcome the affordable housing provision on site  

·  Lack of school and health care provision in the area


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said; the building would achieve an energy rating of; Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 and would include thick walls to provide good insulation properties, photovoltaic cells would be located on the roof and connectivity to the district heating system was achievable. On the issue of balconies, it was suggested that the proposed large glazed floor to ceiling windows would provide more light for residents and this could not be achieved through the provision of balconies. Lighter materials would be considered, a suggestion that darker material be used on the base of the buildings to avoid graffiti issues was welcomed. (Material samples could be provided at the formal application stage). On the issue of school provision, it was reported that the application would include a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contribution which could be put forward towards this type of infrastructure improvement. The applicant’s representative also advised that they were willing to consider alternative uses for the proposed commercial retail space such as a healthcare facility if there was a demand for this.


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members welcomed the fact that all apartments met National Space Standards.

·  Treatment of the outside space was important including public access and connectivity through the site to neighbouring communities.

·  Consultation was needed with local community groups


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;


·  Members were of the view that the principles of the development were appropriate

·  Members were supportive of the emerging scale, massing and design of the development

·  Members were generally supportive of the emerging landscaping scheme and highlighted the need for public access through the scheme and connectivity to neighbouring communities

·  Members were supportive to the approach to car and cycle parking provision and arrangements.

·  Members welcomed the flexibility of the developer around the use of the commercial units


In summing up the Chair said Members were supportive of the proposal and welcomed the submission of a formal application




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation


Supporting documents: