Agenda item

Application 17/01174/FU - The Omnibus, Throstle Road North, Middleton, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached application of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the change of use and alterations of former public house to form house in multiple occupation (sui generis)




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the change of use and alterations of former public house to form a house in multiple occupation at the Omnibus, Throstle Road North, Middleton.


The application was deferred at the previous Panel meeting to give further consideration to the following:


·  How the application would meet the needs of local people.

·  Further information regarding boundary treatments and landscaping

·  Nature of the occupants – further information on how the properties would be marketed.

·  Further site visit to look at the interior and exterior of the building.

·  More details on the management of the land.

·  More detail in respect of traffic and parking.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  Internal layout was explained

·  The applicant would be marketing the development for professional young people with short term tenancies at low cost.

·  There was no evidence to suggest there would be used as a hostel or rehabilitation facility.

·  There was a lack of one bedroom housing units and these would provide opportunity for low cost housing.

·  All communal areas both internal and external would be maintained twice a week.

·  There was a condition for landscaping of the site.

·  There was no highway concern and there would be sufficient car parking on site.

·  The application was recommended for approval.


A local resident addressed the Panel on behalf of the local community with concerns and objections to the application.  Issues highlighted included the following:


·  The site notice was removed and local residents were not informed of the proposals.

·  The applicant had declined to meet with local residents.

·  There was asbestos in the basement of the building and there were no plans referring to the basement.

·  Concern of who the residents would be and how they would be vetted.

·  When the building was in use as a pub there was no disruption to the local school as it was only used at evenings and a weekend.

·  People using the local school had previously used the car park.  There were concerns for road safety should the building be used as a HMO.

·  The scheme would not attract young professionals due to the distance from the City.


Members expressed concern regarding the proposed development.  These included the use communal areas; that the scheme would not attract young professional people and the intensive use of the building. 


Members were not against the redevelopment of the site and discussed other potential uses for development.


A motion was made to refuse the application.  A discussion ensued to support the reasons for refusal.




(1)  That the application be refused for reasons relating to over development and impact upon amenity.

(2)  That the suggested reasons for refusal be reported back to Panel for their consideration.

(3)  That officers continue to negotiate with the applicant to seek a more appropriate scheme of redevelopment for the site.



Supporting documents: