Agenda item

Health and Social Care Needs of Offenders

To consider a report from the Head of Governance and Scrutiny Support providing an update on the development of the Scrutiny Board’s inquiry and introducing a range of information, including an outline of the Council’s social care responsibilities for offenders. 




The Head of Governance and Scrutiny Support submitted a report which provided an update on development of the Scrutiny Board’s inquiry and introduced a range of information, including an outline of the Council’s social care responsibilities for offenders.


The following were in attendance:


-  Mick Ward (Interim Deputy Director, Integrated Commissioning – Adults and Health).


The Board sought clarification about the types of support provided following an offender’s release from prison, particularly in terms of access to a GP and dental care.


RESOLVED – That the issues raised as part of the Board’s inquiry around the Health and Social Care Needs of Offenders, be noted.


Supporting documents: