Agenda item

Leeds Integrated Station Masterplan and Leeds City Region HS2 Growth Strategy

To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the preparations for bringing HS2 to the region: including the draft HS2 Growth Strategy and the Leeds Station Integrated Masterplan principles. In addition, the report also seeks endorsement to work undertaken to date and relevant approvals for the proposed next steps, including public consultation.




Further to Minute No. 51, 27th July 2016, the Director of City Development submitted a report providing an update on the preparations being made for bringing HS2 to the region: including the draft HS2 Growth Strategy and the Leeds Station Integrated Masterplan principles. In addition, the submitted report also sought endorsement of the work which had been undertaken to date and for the relevant approvals for the proposed next steps, which included a public consultation exercise.


Members highlighted the significance and ambitious nature of the project, and emphasised the inextricable link between this project and the South Bank Leeds Framework Plan. In acknowledging the scale of the proposals, the Board noted the range of challenges which would be faced during the development process, with emphasis being placed upon the need for the masterplan to be flexible enough to overcome such challenges. In addition, the key importance of ensuring that Members were kept informed of the progress being made was highlighted.


A concern was raised by a Member regarding the route of HS2 in its approach to the city, and the affect that this could have on local communities, with a suggestion that a report be submitted to a future Board meeting regarding the potential environmental and economic impact that the construction of the HS2 project may have on affected communities.


In conclusion, Members highlighted the whole range of potential opportunities and economic benefits that this development would bring to the city and the wider region, with emphasis being placed upon the need for the Council to continue to be ambitious in respect of such matters, whilst also listening to the views of local communities.



(a)  That the draft Leeds Integrated Station Masterplan principles, as contained within section 3.1 of the submitted report be endorsed, as a basis for public consultation;


(b)  That the principles of the emerging Leeds City Region HS2 Growth Strategy and proposed next steps, as contained within sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the submitted report, be supported;


(c)  That following resolutions (a) and (b) above, the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Leader of the Council; the Executive Member for ‘Regeneration, Transport and Planning’; and the Director of Resources and Housing, be requested to:

(i)  further develop the Council’s input into the Leeds City Region HS2 Growth Strategy and to report back to Executive Board with a proposed final version of the Growth Strategy, with such a report to include proposed delivery, funding and implementation plans for projects involving the Council;

(ii)  undertake consultation with central Government and city partners on the Growth Strategy proposals alongside the West Yorkshire Combined Authority ahead of a final strategy being developed;

(iii) continue collaboration with partners in order to bring forward the delivery of the Leeds Integrated Station Masterplan Vision; and

(iv) provide an update to Executive Board in 2018 on the progress made on matters contained within the submitted report.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor S Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


Supporting documents: