Agenda item

PREAPP17/00517 - Pre-Application Presentation for residential development, associated facilities with linked podium At Doncaster Monk Bridge Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley Leeds LS12 1BE

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a pre-application presentation for residential development, associated facilities with linked podium At Doncaster Monk Bridge Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley Leeds LS12 1BE.


(Report attached)


The Chief Planning Officer submitted a report which sets out details of a

pre-application proposal for residential development, associated facilities with linked podium at Doncaster Monk Bridge, Whitehall Road, Lower Wortley, Leeds, LS12 1BE.


Site photographs and plans were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


The applicant’s representatives addressed the Panel, speaking in detail about the proposal and highlighted the following:


·  The site is located to the southwest of the commercial core of the city centre but within the defined city centre boundary. The Leeds Liverpool Canal is to the east of the site with the working railway line to the west. There is a mix of residential, commercial and industrial activities in the surrounding area.


·  The area is surrounded by a mixture of residential apartment blocks, the river and the canal, cleared land and office developments along Whitehall Road. The general theme of architecture along Whitehall Road is modern and contemporary, aside from the historic viaduct.


·  The site is currently unallocated within the designated City Centre in the saved Unitary Development Plan Review Proposals Map. Within the emerging Local Development Framework Site Allocations plan, the Doncaster Monkbridge site is identified as a mixed use site (MX1-11).


·  The site lies in flood risk zone 2 (medium probability).


·  The proposal is for 2 blocks of residential development consisting of 17 and 21 stories set either side of a raised area of shared landscaped private amenity space. The development would total 463 residential apartments which would be specifically built for rental purposes (Private Rented Scheme or ‘PRS’). The development would be retained by the applicant and managed by a Specialist Provider. The apartments have a main pedestrian entrance set on the south side of the development.


·  The proposal includes parking space for 132 cars at ground and basement levels as well as ancillary gym, cycle storage space and concierge space.


·  The buildings would be surrounded by an area of landscaped public realm with tree planting, seating and grassed / planted areas.


·  The accommodation would consist of the following:


-  79 x Studios (17%)

-  151 x 1-bedroom apartments (33%)

-  210 x 2-bedroom apartments (45%)

-  23 x 3-bedroom apartments (5%)


·  The blocks would be identical in external materials and appearance aside from the height difference. This would consist of a brick structure with recessed windows creating shadow lines and a grid pattern. The roof tops would be flat with the addition of two terrace gardens to the southern section of the top floor. These are communal spaces available to residents to book / hire sporadically throughout the year.


·  The style of the architecture has emphasis on verticality with horizontal banding. The entrances at ground floor level will be of double height, like that seen on the proposals elsewhere within the built and approved office buildings within the site.


·  Parking space is available within the ground floor and basement via ramped access provision which is reached through the southern side in between the two blocks and underneath the central landscaped (private) first floor level amenity space.


·  The applicant is proposing a total of 464 cycle parking spaces (one cycle space to each apartment) in a communal facility at ground level. A communal gym space is available to all residents at this level. The level of parking space (132 spaces including 16 disabled and 14 electric) amounts to 28.5% of the total number of apartments. There are also 15 motorcycle spaces proposed.


·  The amenity space is mainly hard surfacing treatment – decking, walkways, benches with some soft planting in raised planters and trees secured through tree pit design, to give some shading and softening within the surroundings.


·  Externally landscaped designs include new benches and further trees. This would be part of the wider public realm and connects with the proposed hard surfacing set in front of the listed viaduct and commercial units expected as part of the Foundation development to the north side of the Doncaster Monkbridge site.


In response to Members questions, the following were raised:


·  One Member expressed concern about the use of brick suggesting it  could look boring above a certain height, could more 21st Century materials be considered

·  The proximity to the railway line made this a very noisy area, were there any noise mitigation measures

·  The garden areas and the shared lounge, were these controlled spaces

·  Further details of the height, size and shape of the building and how it fitted in with neighbouring properties was required, could 3D imagery or modelling capabilities be provided

·  Could key views be provided in CGI format

·  Would the development include any energy conservation measures

·  What was the total number of residential units for the wider former Doncaster Monkbridge site

·  Was there any affordable housing provision for the scheme


In responding to the issues raised, the applicant’s representatives said:


·  The use of brick had been chosen because it was a high quality, low maintenance material.

·  Members were informed that distances would be kept at a maximum and extra sound insulation/ protection measures would be provided such as mechanical ventilation which avoided the need to open windows

·  The garden areas and shared lounge was a managed space, for residents only, the intention was to create a community

·  On the issue of 3D imagery or modelling capabilities, the Chief Planning Officer said work was ongoing and there was an intention to deliver such capabilities in the not too distant future

·  The Chief Planning Officer said that the ability to provide key views in CGI format would be beneficial but further consideration/ investment would be required

·  The applicant confirmed that combined heat and power (CHP) would be delivered as part of the scheme

·  Officers confirmed that 1070 residential units would be provided for the whole of the former Doncaster Monkbridge site.

·  It was confirmed the 5% affordable housing provision would be provided directly on site together with a local lettings agreement


In offering comments Members raised the following issues:


·  Members emphasised the need that a high quality public open space scheme be provided

·  The majority of Members were supportive of the use of brick

·  Members welcomed the proposed design of the building


In drawing the discussion to a conclusion Members provided the following feedback;


·  Members were of the view that the scale of the proposed new buildings and their relationship with the surrounding context was acceptable

·  Members were of the view that the mix of apartment sizes was acceptable

·  Members accepted that the space within the apartments offered sufficient levels of amenity for future occupiers

·  Members welcomed the approach to the affordable housing provision

·  Members were of the view that the proposed level of parking provision was acceptable


In summing up the Chair said Members were supportive of the proposal and welcomed the submission of a formal application




(i)  To note the details contained in the pre-application presentation


(ii)  That the developers be thanked for their attendance and presentation


Supporting documents: