Agenda item

Making Corporate Parenting Everybody's Business

To consider the report of the Head of the Virtual School which provides the Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) with an update on the progress made by the Corporate Parenting Board and the action required in response to the Children and Social Work Act 2017.


The Head of the Virtual School submitted a report which provided the Board with an update on the progress made by the Corporate Parenting Board.


The following information was appended to the report:


-  Department for Education – Applying corporate parenting principles to care and pathway planning – Statutory guidance for local authorities

-  Children and Families Scrutiny Board Review into Corporate Parenting – Initial recommendations and update (October 2017)

-  Children and Families – ‘Our promises to looked after children in Leeds’

-  Briefing Note on Transport Issues for Care Leavers (29 March 2017).


The following were in attendance:


-  Councillor Jonathan Pryor, Deputy Executive Member, Children and Families

-  Councillor Helen Hayden, Chair of Corporate Parenting Board

-  Andrew Eastwood, Chief Officer, Learning Improvement

-  Jancis Andrew, Head Teacher Virtual School (LA Children).


The key areas of discussion were:


·  Confirmation that Joel Hanna had recently been appointed Head of Service (Children Looked After) at Leeds City Council.  Board Members were advised that Joel was due to start in the New Year.

·  An update on apprenticeships, training, education and employment opportunities for care leavers.

·  The different levels of higher education support for care leavers in different parts of the country. The Board was advised that this was to be raised with Joel Hanna once in post.

·  Clarification sought regarding the ring fencing of apprenticeships for care leavers in the Council, the provision of holiday accommodation for care leavers in higher education and attainment data for children in care and care leavers.

·  Transport support for care leavers and current concession in West Yorkshire and the limited support this provided for care leavers that studied outside West Yorkshire.

·  The support available to kinship carers.

·  Developing work with governing bodies in relation to looked after children and kinship care arrangements.

·  Training and development for Elected Members.  The Board was advised of the requirement for Member Management Committee to consider requests for the introduction of mandatory training for Elected Members.  Members requested early notification of training and inclusion in the Council diary.

·  Perceived differences regarding the support for looked after children and young people with disabilities, particularly young people accessing education and learning settings outside of the Leeds area and the role of personal advisers in supporting children and young people with disabilities.  Councillor Helen Hayden as the Chair of the Corporate Parenting Board undertook to look into these matters further at the next Corporate Parenting Board meeting and provide a response.

·  The voice and influence of children looked after.

·  The recommendation that short updates be provided to Community Committees six monthly and that the reports stipulated the level of attendance of elected members at Corporate Parenting Board.


RESOLVED – The Scrutiny Board (Children and Families)


(a)  Noted the contents of the report and appendices.

(b)   Requested that information regarding the ring fencing of apprenticeships for care leavers in the Council, the provision of holiday accommodation for care leavers in higher education and attainment data for children in care and care leavers be provided as requested.

(c)  Requested a further corporate parenting report in approximately 12 months’ time.

(d)   That all Scrutiny recommendations in appendix 2 to the report also be reviewed at this time.


Supporting documents: